About Alpina,however I have missed a full day in a (read this carefully) Mansory Panamera Limited Edition!I know the guy,he is driving golden R8 and I talked to him just to find out that he know my father.He wanted me to drive Mansory while he and his are operating in r8 and novitec rosso cali to king of europe drift competition as there was some show for modified rides there and he wanted to show his,which he did at the end.Without me.You want to know what I did in that time?I worked in my garden.I decided to leave a go in that beast for another chance and went to make some fence.However there is not going to be another chance as he moved to Germany.I will upload a pic of Mansory later.See,you are not the only one who made that mistake...Man,690 horses swapped for some wood and metal...I should commit suicide...