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Everything posted by Tobberian

  1. If you try to write a bit more coherent<-- and more concise (LESS is MORE), then you might get some answers. =] ps. Too late but Yes...I agree on a lower car count (1/2), as it would've meant more time to model cars more correct and implement more things.
  2. about the wheel Maybe they have done it proper ... and put in an selection in the options to hide ingame wheel... Right! BwAAAhahaha (sorry)
  3. Well.. little to go by, hard to be 100% certain. Also uncertain! (but not as visual, nothing to bark about) anyway... the rear part of zonda's roof-intake and it's area around is suspicious looking XD. Although I HAVE found 2 distinctly different (fully roofed) IRL versions , so maybe there's a 3rd or more, who knows.
  4. * Name-sign postings continuing closer to target and with correct mileage, so they become normally useful. (unlike TDU1 stopping a mile off and very often incorrect miles). * 90 degree angle on the quick side-view instead of ~"70". (Better for those not using Track-IR).
  5. One-77 falsity (I've been looking hard for a redeeming reference, but couldn't find any). So it's likely incorrect with this.. wide open line of sight through the front-side-intakes to out by the wheel wells. Likely there should be a more rearwards scooping inner wall blocking the view. Comparison: http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee283/Tobberian/c.jpg Others: http://www.freetwist.com/wallpapers/cars/Aston-Martin/2009-aston-martin-one-77.jpg http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i183/csurane24/aston177.jpg (also visible 5th trailer 0:15) (look at the "help lines" here) http://www.automobilesreview.com/gallery/aston-martin-one-77/aston-martin-one-77-03.jpg
  6. I think it's unnecessary (add own/or winamp).. but OK, anything form Umberto Marcato. =) Beautiful!
  7. If they must release new videos (I'd prefer all hands on the game work) at least show some new game stuff.. not talking about cars here.
  8. Tesla have quite limited distance capacity of ~244 miles (393 km), although so does many of the other supercars too. But I welcome any car.. as this is Test drive (and not luxury car test drive).
  9. It would be another thing to consider when buying a car too. (and choosing in garage). :) 14MPG, hmmm... 26MPG, too ugly.. hmm ^^
  10. There is no gap, the "lines" are the supporting structure. jaguar but same principle..http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Jaguar_XK8_Cabriolet_rear_20070520.jpg (audi model) It's all very simple, IRL the wrinkling is there, in TDU2 not so.. they simply didn't bother with a wrinkling animation (let alone cloth-simulation.. understandable), and then trying to align two spherically inconsistent moving hard surfaces is impossible =gap. Anyway it's no big thing.. as long as it lines up to invisible when it's closed (maybe model even exchanges). [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350KB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks!
  11. Strangely I got this mail on 2 mail addresses... :oook: Is this some kind of fake too?
  12. Diablo.. I think your wrong here.. As seen in CLR-GTR's video, during movement, the cloth smoothly wrinkles precisely over the area where the supposed gap is.. thus there isn't any.
  13. Birds: (Animation-abomination) Hinged solid board wings, a copy&paste from Tdu1(nearly 1 box birds), so little effort that it IS indefensible.
  14. (from page 2) http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/11535/487860_full.jpg See that A5 behind the car name? Just speculation.. it could be something else. (Could still also be 10 levels. :lol:)
  15. 5 upgrade-kit levels, judging from the pic. (Although A class on audi tt rs roadster?) 5 difficulty levels (physics level). Easier to know what cars there's left to buy. (IE lev 5 only). I wonder what the indication icon to the right of the A5 icon is ... hmmm? Also .... DLC fuel .. come on more votes!! :|
  16. :) Nice to see rain splashes on car. Not nice to still see light halos 30cm in front of lamp, guess that's how they´re going to have it. (0.36)
  17. Nice and better draw distance :), but It's really not super graphics. Also Eden themselves stated it's not at the top. :P
  18. I understand now why I keep seeing "TDU1"ish jagged curves in these videos. It seems higher (TDU2) resolutions only kicks in when it's needed for a smooth ride. I.E when it's VERTICALLY curvy. And all the common flat horizontal curves stays horribly "Tdu1" low res. Oh well... at least it's smooth and ALMOST... just a visual thing. :S "Hilly" vs "Flat(and jagged)" curve: (2:23 & 2:28) -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  19. It's nice to see dotted lane markings.. (and wires that hangs calmly :P).
  20. Google maps Hawaii Raceway Park: (it's closed though) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=sv&geocode=&q=oahu&sll=48.341646,-156.621094&sspn=34.21511,67.763672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Oahu,+Pearl+City,+Honolulu+County,+Hawaii+96782&ll=21.316183,-158.089378&spn=0.011674,0.016544&t=h&z=16
  21. Yes things to consider.. But EVERY complex thing doesn't have to be implemented. Most would be happy with less complex too I think.
  22. The Enzo (guzzler) holds 110L Combined cycle 1.85L /10 km. That's 594km(369 miles) on one fill-up. I think stations are closer than that (the whole length of Oahu is ~700km). And if you stay long at a desolate place you can turn it off, OR quickly(<-said to be) teleport-refuel-teleport back.
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