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Mateka's Achievements

  1. Nice work on Community Patch, count on me if you need a tester for the new Physics.cpr!

  2. I'd like to participate in the test too. Since modders found out how to decrypt and encrypt cpr files I had some tests on modifying Physics.cpr, but I couldn't go as far as you could, so please let me help testing your cpr:)
  3. What changes will you make to Physics.cpr?Are you going to make physics more sim-like?
  4. There's NO download button at that page that you linked,there's only one button,leading to a topic,where there's no download button!
  5. I hope he will come back soon and release something!
  6. At march. 25. you said you will release something in a few days,so please release something,this mod would make TDU very beautiful!
  7. Best mod ever!When will you release this?
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