PHYSICS aka No gas = Car brakes hard, downhill-straight = speed is the same, handling from car to car = the same, DRIFTING = ÜBER FAKE, Steering wheel = Impossible to drive, and so on... + everything the others mentioned before.
And btw. About half a year ago I was talking to my friend and he was sure that NFS HP will be the best racing game evah and so was me for TDU2! As NFS HP came out I really enjoyed it and I was pretty sure that if NFS can be that good (Arcade handling as expected) then TDU2 would kick it's ass to mars and back! I expected handling at least as good as TDU1 and better graphics and MORE cars. Then it came out. I tried it and I was reeaaly dissapointed about it. But anyway I played it. I got used to it and it was the best racing game evah created untill I tried TDU1 for fun. It took some getting used to but since then I didn't switch on TDU2 ever again.