TDU2 Hawaii Area 2 99% missing 1% (just in case: for google people)
Yesterday i started to discovery each 1% missing on Hawaii in each Area. Yesterday i found 1% of Hawaii Area 1,3,4 by
scrolling just over the map.
I missed a on way to a highway. some roads in circle on a hill. A small street in the capital town (below right town).
Maybe some other i couldn't remember today.
Yesterday i thought i would discover 1% of Hawaii Area 2 missing road too, but i was totally wrong. So i researched the
internet for specific locations i might have missed like on ibiza the road to the fuelstation after the tunnel without
success. I got just 2 spots for Hawaii Area 2 missing roads, both releated to the shipping yard. i did allready everything
blue there, i viewed them allready, one for sure.
So i made things other people did to find there last 1%
i borderd the hawaii area 2 with bookmarks to stay in the bounds.
i tried to move as close and scroll, but this is pretty boring after a second of slowly scrolling :). so
i tried to move as far as i could to circle the mouse above the area to see the mouse to become red and finding my missing road as
other did, but without luck.
My missing road was to tiny.
So today i thought about other solutions to find my missing road. And i tried following:
Hello : Fraps, Hello Photoshop.
First i did a lot of screenshots from the Bookmarked bounded area 2 with zooming level 2 (standard zoom). 121 in all.
Than i created a local profil to get the gray value of the roads. I get on ibiza the RGB: 155,155,155
So i opened Photoshop, after researching the internet: how to replace that Gray(RGB) color with some fresh purple color
to find my missing road i did this at photoshop:
1: open one screenshot
2: duplicate layer of (indized picture) : just to be able to paint to
3: made a 1px (Gray RGB : 155,155,155) in the black top border (important 1px else it will not mark similar pixels)
4: marked the 1px gray with the magic wand. (Settings for magic wand: no toleranz , no antialising , no neighbours, default
selection/adding method(1))
5: created a blank layer
6: switched color to purple
7: expanded the sourround areas by 10px
8: filled the areas with purple.
after 10 pics i thought : mhhh photoshop offers for similar actions a record functionality: so i recorded my actions an tried
to use it on the upcoming 110 pics to be a bit sooner finished.
Next pic and action , hey whats going on instead of purple cool balls on the pic i discovered just a gray border as if expected a black border
i tried photoshop 7 and cs2, both did this.
so i researched the internet for an alaternative method/tool to replace a specific color of an image and found this tool.
Easy Color Replacer
Yeah it saved my day. i put in the RGB Value from Ibiza and put in the RGB value of purple to the other field inserted a
prefix for the newly images and hit convert.
I copied all the newly pictures to a new folder and viewed them. but did not see any purple inside one of the picture. maybe
i did not made a screenshot of the missing road. haha what a luck 121 pictures without the missing road on one of them.
so i came to the idea of running as long as it would take to drive arround in the bounds from bookmark to bookmark. and i had
luck on the 4th drive from one bookmark accross to the other (20 - 40km trips) i had the gps crossing my missing road.
i provide a screenshot of the area. you can search for yourself. i did not see it either and i definetly scrolled above it
more than once. (standard zoom) upps im not allowed to make a link or upload pictures.
Hello ImageServices. I make some space between the link if anybody is interested
Blank version: search for yourself.
h t t p : / / o i 4 1 . t i n y p i c . c o m / 9 a q z 5 w . j p g
If you did not find like me try this: (Photoshop replaced color like described above)
h t t p : / / o i 4 3 . t i n y p i c . c o m / 1 x y k o z . j p g
just for completnes. After i luckily found the last peace of road i wondered why i did not get a marked purple image of the
converted images. so i searched a snapshot of the area and picked the rgb value of the gray road on hawaii. instead of
ibiza gray 155,155,155 it was maybe hawaii gray 147,147,147.
so thats why i did not see a purple road on one of screenshots, but it can be depending on the time of day and/or weather conditions.
i hope i could help someone and inspire a programmer to code a fantastic tool to replace all colors from gray to purple like the tool above with some more related functionality like:
just convert an image if non regular grayspot is in image (possible road).
covering all gray values which might be possible
post it here, you will be loved by me and others :)
As the pictures might be vanishing first. i will tell you what road i missed. It was in the area2 on top in the middle , there are parallel streets from north to south (not highways) connect by 3 cars length connections. i missed one of them
Good luck everybody in finding your personal 1% on hawaii maybe area2
cool attachments work, so the pictures are :
MyMissingRoadHawaiiArea2_1.jpg :: Search yourself pic
MyMissingRoadHawaiiArea2_2.jpg :: If you do not find