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Everything posted by Who

  1. I was quite hoping for civilised discussion but yeah... fanboy wars, this is almost as bad as people blaming the linearity of final fantasy on the fact it's on the 360 :fp: at the end of the day, consoles aren't magic boxes that are powered by mysterious space age technology, they're just computers in plastic casing running propriety OSes The PS3 is high end PC from 2006 The 360 is a high end PC Mac from 2005 Both are getting on, and at the end of the day BOTH are holding back the PC version now please can everyone remove the sand from their ladyparts and talk about the game we're looking forward to
  2. I said it in the CB but congrats! Hopefully when i'm back next week this place isn't on fire!
  3. Thanks Diab, it's a pain that all the info is coming around errr... now, because I'm only back for 4 days after the 3rd, and then I'm doing my Duke of Edinburgh expedition for another 4 days!
  4. ***I WILL NOT BE AT A COMPUTER BETWEEN THE 27TH OF MARCH TO THE 3RD OF APRIL*** Hence this thread will not be updated between those dates. With new magazines having features on TDU2 soon in the near future, I understand there probably will be new info that'd be relevant here. If possible, an admin could update this thread in my absence Thank you, Who
  5. ***I WILL NOT BE AT A COMPUTER BETWEEN THE 27TH OF MARCH TO THE 3RD OF APRIL*** Hence this thread will not be updated between those dates. With new magazines having features on TDU2 soon in the near future, I understand there probably will be more cars shown. If possible, an admin could update this thread in my absence Thank you, Who
  6. wow, you're in Germany, drinking a (presumably) German beer that actually contains flavour. Congratulations, you're officially more of a man than 90% of the men in America! Seriously, I don't envy you Americans. If Cools and Budweiser are anything to go by, your beer is all urine!
  7. Who thinks that this time around, TDU2 should include cars from SEAT? I mean, it seems like a no-brainer to me, Ibiza is a Spanish Island, SEAT is the only a Spanish brand, and every other car on the road in Spain seems to be one! And it's not like they'll be dogs, they are good enough for the BTCC and WTCC! Not to mention that they're bloody good looking! The game needs fore FWD anyway Sure, they're not my favourite brand, but they're still dam tasty!
  8. your name rings a bell... I remember! you're on forza central!
  9. It's the US version, running on their watered down petrol... hence why they get less power and less fuel efficiency only one gripe with this actually... they still haven't got the back end right. there needs to be a whale tail, in proper subaru style!
  10. No, Because the club car only has one copy per club. I'm imagining that you essentially rent the car from the club, and it doesn't touch your own garage.
  11. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/03/22/new-york-preview-subaru-wrx-goes-widebody-for-2011/ There ya go, I'll put it in the first post too
  12. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/03/0217familywrx4d1-0.jpg Via: http://www.autoblog.com/2010/03/22/new-york-preview-subaru-wrx-goes-widebody-for-2011/ I think it looks like a proper subaru again, the hatchback just isn't right.
  13. Considering they have the audi (and hence VAG) license it would be smart to have Lamborghini :p Actually, considering it's Ibiza, they should get some SEAT cars in :D
  14. The only offroader we know is the Spyker Peking to Paris, which, lets be honest, isn't a great place to start from =/
  15. thanks guys... you get surprisingly good at picking over game screenshots when you're supposed to be doing coursework
  16. More things I've noticed: You can really see how good the draw distance is, hidden away on top of the hill on the left is a house, and it's so detailed that you can actually see the cannopy on the side of it (garage?) In the long distance, where the mountains have lost detail, they're nowhere near as jagged as they are in TDU1, where the skyline looks like a saw blade. you can also clearly see the sea You can also see that there are many more buildings this time, and they look natural, not like the token mansion in the middle of nowhere like we're used to More trees, making it look more realistic on the left you can see 3D grass, which seems to be something that the media is obsessed with recently... and erm... yeah. the only other thing I can think of is the fact that the first viper pic on the first page of this thread has got some swings behind it... I hope it glitches like the swings in GTA IV :p
  17. You think so small... THAT is what Forza's Livery editor can do :p I dunno if you'll get the same layers but they've said that you will have 'stickers' so i'm sure they do mean a livery editor
  18. Having played TDU again last night, i've noticed how much better this is than the first, an the little details that are there: 1.) That's a beach, a proper beach, one that seamlessly meets the sea, rather than the landmass having to drop down to water 2.) the draw distance looks better, you can see the detail in the building on the hill 3.) the ground textures seem to have a lot more effort put in this time 4.) There's actually cliffs, rocky outcrops that look convincing, unlike on TDU where there was just very steep hills (look at the "cliff" on the south east by the Eden island, it looks so crap)
  19. Wow, those last 2 pics are amazing! I really hope that treck is in I can't see why anyone would complain that it isn't hilly enough looking at those valleys :P
  20. You should be able to have some control over lights, it's been quoted that you will be able to do instant challenge races, which were triggered by lights in TDU1, so there might be the same system again
  21. http://thetranslatorscafe.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/spanish_police_car.jpg If that's what we'd be driving in Ibiza then i'm not quite so up for it :P
  22. To be honest, i'm not too happy about the exclusive cars either, the whole thing stinks of T10's unicorn cars on Forza, which is quite possibly the biggest waste of time in gaming history...
  23. there's many more concept art ones, and they used to be listed in this thread, however with the announcement of TDU2 (officially) it is for the best that only cars certified as TDU2 content are listed edit: where possible, i've included pictures, however some are only mentioned in text... (text in french...) so until actual pictures are released they'll have to do.
  24. Fixing that was easier than I thought it'd be, did a find and replace in word and it worked fine
  25. tiny update: I've fixed the links to TDU.fr, as the admin decided to move the topic and split it up
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