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Everything posted by Who

  1. thankyou all :) poor guy with lung cancer never touched a ciggy in his life, thats what makes it worse.
  2. i know her, shes a short term person :p by short term i mean drunken one night stand person :p but i wouldnt want to use her. its just ideas in my head. Im feeling quite pathetic really, im angry at a guy because he's dying. :/
  3. thanks all. it seems its now a matter of caring for her as a best mate though. the relationship sadly ended today. a friend of hers was diagnosed with lung cancer over the weekend. That friend had and might still have a crush on her (bad) he also hates me for some reason im unaware of (worse) If radiotherapy doesnt work he has till march. so basically Me = hated by him Her = sleeping with me him = crush on her us as a couple = possibly crippling to him if he finds out him = dying her = guilty. for her own peace of mind she has called an end to it. im fine with it in principle but i still feel terrible. i think i can get her back by going out with her friend rach for a bit, as she seems to want to. however she would probably only be a short term thing. going out with someone else makes her surprisingly interested, as i had tried for a while before we went out to get with her, and it was only when i got a new GF and said i wasnt interested that she started wanting me (playing hard to get works methinks!) in the meantime, ill enjoy being single :p
  4. As some of you may have heard me babbling on xbox live, i have a very nice girlfriend by the name of harriet (or hattie for short) Ive been with her 2 months now and we are deeply in love. Aswell as being my GF she is also by best friend, and has been for over a year, so whilst i love her as my partner, she means the world to me and her psyhological state is paramount to me. Shes 6ft and of average build (no exess fat, on her stomache or her legs) but recently she has become really badly obsessed with her weight. this is where i need help. Following some shallow comments by a tosspot who used to be a friend, she has become extremely insecure about her weight. She has now gone on a weight loss crusade so she can be 'skinny' now i dont mind if she wants to be thin, i couldnt care either way as im one of those rare blokes who couldnt care less about a girl's body, i find a fantastic personality far more important than nice lines., but she is doing this so scum like the ex friend don't judge her. she is doing this for the shallow people in this world and is forgetting who really matters to her. When i say shes obsessed with weightloss, i mean it. Shes recently started having vinegar and lemon juice in water as a drink, as the acid boosts her own stomache acid, shes chewing gum constantly, even before she has breakfast, because its supposed to boost the metabolism. shes only eating 1000 calories a day, and now shes even found some metabolism boosting pills. she has told me that she wont go baelemic again, but yesterday she said that was because it didnt taste nice (that made me cry :() Shes lost 6lb in 7 days, and over 4 weeks has lost 3 inches on her waist. she claims this isnt fast enough. i dont know what to do. I love her so much, and what she is doing is tearing me apart. im having dreams, losing sleep and im on an emotional rollercoaster. she says she'll stop when shes happy, the original target was 9 stone, from over 11. its not healthy. shes a 6ft girl with double ds, being so skinny you can see the ribcage isnt right for anyone, and it wont suit her :( shes putting physical appearance over her health. can anyone advise me what to do, because ive tried reasoning, emotional blackmail and complimenting her (she is beautiful as it is) sorry for the essay, but im stuck between a rock and a hard place, i got barely 4 hours shuteye last night :(
  5. just be greatful i didnt chose the 300sl Gullwing (again :p) no idea why i like a car based on nazi technology, with an engine note from a metro with hole in its exhaust, but i do :p
  6. second bike one was cool without sound. definately made by a chav by choice of music, and the fact the spaz couldn't even spell 'Bike' properly!
  7. its all maturity i suppose. If you think the antics of GTA are acceptible in real life you must have a screw loose anyway! Its not just the game which causes this insanity. Although i can see its influence
  8. What the hell, do people have a problem with the english language or something? for a long ponder about quantum <<< makes sence very brown poo <<< ignores the quantum post to be a immature prat which also happened <<< tries to save it from being a haven of retards that turned into <<< ignores the post again Bloody Retards! Rant over, but please follow the structure of the game...! if you post and find out someone replied to the same message before you then edit it to make sence... Im following on from SupermAnthony's post as its the last one with any sign of maturity in it. (this one) ponder about quantum Sized mountain bikes
  9. the rickenbacker's dad likes are the semi acoustic black guitars like the beatles had, but that is a very cool guitar. they give a great sound do rickenbackers! They not particularly rare but dad is the kind of guy who buys guitars cheap then alters everything so make it really cool. so he wont buy anything over £150...
  10. Who

    Jar of Dirt?

    Is it just me or couldnt the weekend have come a moment too soon?
  11. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with dutch magicians' Carvers that swim with swedish women loving the taste of BIG Bowls. When suddenly OZZY screams Fire!! Massive rabbits screamed300thpostbyCarboy18971 but nobody licked gods peaNUTS, eventhough Stringfellow betted against Shawodawody who slept naked with santa's raindeer Rudolph during his raping Fantasies with motherteresa. TheEnd. (this thread is in urgent need of locking, its screwed beyond repair)
  12. you have a rickenbacker? a real one? git! dad would kill for a beatles style rickenbacker guitar!
  13. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with dutch magicians' Carvers that swim with swedish women loving the taste of BIG Bowls. When suddenly OZZY screams Fire!! Massive rabbits screamed300thpostbyCarboy18971 but nobody licked gods peaNUTS, eventhough Stringfellow betted against Shawodawody who slept naked with santa's raindeer Rudolph during his raping Fantasies. (WTF?!?!) Angrily
  14. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with dutch magicians' Carvers that swim with swedish women loving the taste of BIG Bowls. When suddenly OZZY screams Fire!! Massive rabbits screamed300thpostbyCarboy18971 but nobody licked gods peaNUTS, eventhough Stringfellow betted against Shawodawody who slept naked with santa's raindeer Rudolph during his raping Fantasies. Ditto with anth
  15. by dad has a genuine 1972 Fender Strarocaster. *brag* i still reckon its a heavy, uncomfortable pile of cack. i much prefer the other guitars my dad has, like his DeArmond M-75T. but hey, i dont really care about guitars, i do bass. simple choice of Fender Precision bass. *yawn* Gibson E-bow (Sp? - looks like an SG) or a Gibson Thunderbird (like a firebird) Still, my bass is a DeArmond JetStar. which i reckon is cooler than all 3 above :p
  16. have to say, even though the GH3 controller has les functions i prefer it to the RB one. I mean, Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les paul? Rock band is siding with Fender, GH3 with Gibson Let me show you the difference in successful models from both companies: Fender Stratocaster Telecaster Gibson Les Paul SG Flying V Firebird Explorer Marauder
  17. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with dutch magicians' Carvers that swim with swedish women loving the taste of BIG Bowls. When suddenly OZZY screams Fire!! Massive rabbits screamed300thpostbyCarboy18971 but nobody licked gods peaNUTS, eventhough Stringfellow betted against Shawodawody
  18. Two questions Is the Rock band guitar wireless like the GHIII one? Are the controls similar enough to use the GHIII Controller on rock band, should the Rock band controller be wired?
  19. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with dutch magicians' Carvers that swim with swedish women loving the taste of BIG Bowls
  20. Pfft! no point in wireless connecions to amps! all you do is kill sound quality, and being as you're gonna have the sound coming from the amp anyway you aint really going to want to be that far away from it. looks like junk to me. Big bass guitar, Big cable (its pink cause im using me mum's old one after my old one got broken after a dog chewed through it) and a big, big amp. yummy.
  21. put me down for next week too. weapon of choice: AC 289
  22. I notice no change to the motorcycle laws... surely if drivers know they will have no chance of getting a car till they 18 they would move to 50cc motorbikes, which is essentially encouraging people to get on the roads at 16 (you can drive a 50cc at 16). I mean, the only reason im not going for a CBT test is because i know that if i wait one year i could buy a car, and save the money for buying a 50cc, and its related costs over the year leading up to my 17th. Now if it was 18 for driving i would have gone for the CBT as soon as i'd had my 16th birthday, and so would ALOT of people i know, being as the bike wuld be useful twice as long . So the removal of 17 year old drivers would lead to a great increase of 16 year old motorbikers. so they are inadvertantly (sp) encouraging youngsters on the road EARLIER.
  23. sorry for going early, chatting with a friend on MSN and it all got into a convo that couldnt be done when it was possible to have a break. you know the kind, the ones which require your full attention
  24. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed HELP mad nutt women with a tool normally associated with __________________
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