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Everything posted by Who

  1. damn right, my first bass was a cheapish hohner immitation of a Fender precision bass. Sounded just as good as the real thing after i tweaked the pick ups, although it was still a rather bad quality wood, so i now have a Guild De Armond jet star. which although sounds rather similar feels better finished and looks a damn sight better :p
  2. i dont think the red thing is a lotus... looks more like a vauxhall VX220 to me
  3. ill join you when you start, when i get over this busy GCSE period :p and my busy camping with mates aswell :p
  4. indeed it will! personally i think i'm going to put more time into playing PGR4 than FM2, i just love the sence of speed you get in PGR series as a whole
  5. Bloody hell, the Intergra is going to be hard to replicate for the BTCC challenge :S just aswell im doing one of my own designs!
  6. starbucks, but we dont have either here :p better racing game of 2007? PGR4 or FM2?
  7. dont be snobbish about names whatever you do. many japanese/korean guitars are just as good as the guitars they look like, often better. the cheapo fenders you see arent infact fenders. they are Squire fenders, basically squire used to be a very good immitator of fenders, so fender bought them. Ebay are good for guitars, but be sure to reference the review here: http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Guitar#manufacturer
  8. BEHOLD! PGR4, and it looks amazing! Read the recent article about weather! OMFG WTF? LOL ROFL! A NON FORZA 2 RELATED THREAD! (bite me...) Anyway, exclamation aside, Project Gotham Racing 4 looks bloody fantastic, a must buy for me. seriously *drool* These has to be the best weather effects i have seen. ever.
  9. like it or not this forum has alot of Forza threads, and they cant just be left cluttering 'xbox360 driving games' there are other driving games about, but the threads about them get cluttered amongst other threads about forza 2. i mean, if i were to make a thread about the fantastic new screens/videos/interviews about PGR4's weather effects it would just get mixed in amongst 'look at my baby' threads...
  10. My sister used to (still does :p) have DDR for dreamcast, to be honest i prefer the concept of a dancemat cause it keeps you in shape... (i used to have really good legs from it :p)
  11. Sorry for being picky, but its Bass, not Base. I play Bass and just get a bit touchy about people spelling it wrong. Anyway, i dont really see the thrill about GH, As far as i see it its a dance-mat that you hold. its basically the same concept no?
  12. ah, but the ice age is out of our hands, when the earth tremours and does its thing to freeze us all we can't do anything about it, apparently we're something like a few millenia overdue for the next one anyway... but yeah, hybrids arnt really the answer if you ask me. no more efficient than diesel, and still use fuel which is running out fast. Now if there was a diesel hybrid which could run on rapeseed oil then i might be more convinced. as for the point about plug in cars comming from 'dirty' power stations, what about Wind or Nuclear? Both of which are clean for emmissions. Hydrogen, Yes there are 2 options, the one which uses combustion, which emmits water, and the 'power station' one, personally i'm in favour of the power station one... have any of you heard of 'Air cars' though, basically, they are cars which run on very highly compressed air, compressed to an extent where it does infact combust... Hey, what happened to tommorow's world? I used to love watching it...
  13. right, im killing myself now then! :p damn, nipper beat me :p hang on, future car!? WHY DOESNT IT FLY? my dreams have been shattered :( :p
  14. back, sack & crack :p (& isnt a word in itself :p)
  15. Wooo, im almost done, 2 more to go, welsh read/write and history 2 ill be done by monday, when i intend to get bladdered (again :p)
  16. still, sometimes GT has cars for the sake of cars, i mean what place does the volvo estate box thing from the 80's have in a racing game? As great as the selection is i dont mind the smaller one to be honest. oh yeah, the nike one, the point in that thing was?
  17. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck andnobodycaresabouthowmanypostyoumade Screamed Shut the hell up will you carboy you little 11 year old midget?. let me have my moment will you? Its one post, not a whole thread for farts sake. (im in a hostile mood...)
  18. The fishys roast themselves silly because they are very cooked with oil which allows fossils to grow on dogs. I beleive nothing you stupid son of God who is called eric , who has lived in a pineapple with some fish forever. Anyhoo alpacas dance like lost propets and llamas that cant walk unhelped by dutch barbecues and mangos that try harder to kill sven the viking. Bold and underline titles are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION that eat everything organic because Stringfellows hair grows below Nipper's Butt and smells deliciously like Creme-de-Merde sandwiches because Frank eated nitrox for revenge for500thpostbylwsbrck (no gaps makes it one word :p) yes, it is my 500th post :p
  19. well, the forza handling is superior, the sounds are superior, the customisation is superior. there is damage aswell. although GT does have a bigger carlist, its really great that the 2cv has its honourable place in a racing game... (sarcasm)
  20. thing is though, PS3 forgets its a game console. Its trying to be a PC (linux) a next gen movie hub (blu-ray) social networker (home) and at the end of the day, Gears of War still looks better than anything ive seen before. 360 has got probably the best online service, exclusives and definately the best pricetag (of the two) and that reflects on the really poor sales rates they've been getting out for PS3. Personally i think that PS3 is more like the old xbox than the 360 is. When the xbox vs PS2 was going on xbox was: chunky, black, more powerful but comes at a hefty pricetag, compared to the PS2 which was cheaper, more elegant, wider selection of games and had been out over a year longer, and the controller felt better. now, 360 is what the PS2 was, and PS3 is what the xbox was, its gonna flop.
  21. this is weird say the below text out loud cow look cow how cow long cow I cow got cow this cow idiot cow to cow talk cow about cow cows when you have done that, do this look cow how cow long cow I cow got cow this cow idiot cow to cow talk cow about cow cows cow and finish with cow look cow cow how cow cowlong cow cow I cow cow got cow cow this cow cow idiot cow cow to cow cow talk cow cow about cow cow cows cow now read the words in between 'cow' :p
  22. would be alot cooler if it had vibration features and was £200 cheaper though :p
  23. pam fi duw? (translated - why me god)
  24. err... me, im in a pretty good mood at the mo :D Starwars: The original trilogy (4/5/6) or the new ones (1/2/3)
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