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Everything posted by Baldy

  1. Make sure you leave the rep parking space free as well! -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  2. Welcome on board, feel free to share problems with TDUCk! He's our Mod rep, comes selling all things mod like twice a month!
  3. Of course, it's all work work work :( lol

    1. No worries sir.

      1. Agreed, but it's you so it's alrite :cheeky:

        1. Xbox tonight squire?

          1. You smelllllllllllllllllll!

            1. I just hope we can meet at the clubs before cruises, it used to take about an hour getting all 8 players into the same server before starting the cruise. If we have to do that again I think I'll go mental!
            2. I'm good, bored out of my mind though, got work later :(

              1. Less of the Bald :( You alrite turtle nostrils?

                1. That was the question :cheeky: And good morning sir!

                  1. Quite fun, got bored after 17seconds though lol
                  2. Oh and when you gunna announce speshul??

                    1. He'll manage to break it again, it's all part of his plan to eat you!

                      1. Well screwwww you!

                        1. Buy me one? :)

                          1. Is that a new type of sat nav?

                            1. *Sniffs* what's that smell? hmmmmm.... Oh hey Diablo..... :leaves:

                              1. Great news! I'll pick one up from work when it comes in and get it scanned :D
                              2. The island is so vast that it would take between 20 and 30 minutes to walk from one end to another (the most direct route) and 40 + minutes to go around. Yay walking! Lol, hopefully it's meant to be drive around, and it takes 2hours 30mins for the 24hour cycle to complete, not bad :)
                              3. Smallest BT van ever! http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Poulton-Le-Fylde&sll=53.877239,-2.958047&sspn=0.006262,0.01929&g=FY6+9BN&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Poulton-Le-Fylde,+Lancashire,+United+Kingdom&t=h&layer=c&cbll=53.855316,-2.970137&panoid=qk31_CcfRz3A-msDD_7msQ&cbp=12,191.05,,0,10.86&ll=53.855349,-2.970332&spn=0.003158,0.009645&z=17
                              4. How about this for a find then, 3 for the price of 1!
                              5. Is this real? They are official photos' from the press release that announced the game. What more proof do you need?
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