Important news.. As you already know, I don’t have a X360 and I don’t have enough money to buy one.
Now, this day.. A few minutes ago I play a game, and my father says “If you can play the whole game, I buy a X360 for you...” No rules, just play the game and win.
Well, I try to play the game, but the game is so fast that I can play the whole game..
I was thinking and my PC is not so good for games, even for flash games. I realize something.
My PC is slow, and I play games slower. So I go to my computer and I play the whole flash game. I WIN
No rules, my father going to buy an X360 next Monday 26th February..
And I have enough money to buy a game.. But I need your help to find the game I want on my X360
I have a list with the games I want.
Test Drive Unlimited
Rainbow Six vegas
Assassin Creed
Gears of war
Dead or Alive Extreme 2
Halo 3
Just Cause
Halo wars
Brothers in Arms Hells Highway,
Project Gotham Racing 3
Forza Motorsport 2
Tomb Raider,
Tony Hawk Project 8,
Battlestations Midway
Spiderman 3
Harry Potter
I don’t know witch games there on the market. But this is the list with the games I want.
My favorite games are on top.. Test Drive Unlimited is now my favorite game.
sorry for my bad english xD