Well, for those of you following my topics here and there I was going to gamecrazy with a crapload of ps2 games and the ps2 itself. Everyone said $150+ for it. So I went.
As soon as I got there, he rejected ALL 40 of my games. Even though they all work PERFECTLY, they are scratched a little bit, and the only one the wasn't scratched was Madden 2004 and they don't accept anything under 2006. They said they can give me $56 for my slim ps2 with one controller, and $2 for each additional controller (I had 4 all together.) And then, they said store credit. I went and asked soo many people, they all said gamecrazy gave you money. They lied. So I just took my ps2 and games and ran home. So if you're ever in need of any PS2 games, pm me. I got a lot. Or the ps2 itself. But yeh, I'm having bad luck. Donate to me to make me feel better. XD