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Status Updates posted by CarMadMike

  1. Thanks! Time to remember the password too :lol: but you shouldn't be able to help with that hopefully haha

  2. @hotmail.com or hotmail.co.uk or live.com or live.co.uk? Thanks xD Need to download MSN too

  3. Sorry Andai I've been a bit of an idiot and forgot the email address I used to use for MSN after I stopped using the car_madmike account haha, could you see what other email addresses you might have for me? Thanks! :D

  4. Haha alright will do, screw you then.

  5. Am I not meant to be offended by that attention seeking remark? :oook:

  6. Yes. :p Sorry for the slow reply, my laptop was dispatched back to us today so should be active again soon. I passed my driving test too btw, and got a few uni offers. Yet i'm still depressed as ever :lol: i <3 life How are you?

  7. Saturday job at a high street retailer, £6-7 an hour :) I'm happy with it, it's just to do until uni i suppose. Looks good on the CV too.

  8. I received a phonecall today saying i have a job :D had a proper interview during the week etc, only 10 hours a week but i didn't want more while doing a-levels. So happy xD monies!! I still have no laptop :( we're taking legal action as they're soooo in the wrong xD

  9. You have my phone number? :p how can it be hard to reach me haha Laptop still in for repair hence me not coming on here often :/

  10. Still not chosen :lol: And we've always been rather different though i suppose, hence the many arguments over the years.

  11. Yup but I had a lot of A-Level exams to do which kind of messed things up, i'm in no rush really :) will probs book the test soon. I've been fine, either busy with school or out with friends. Sending my uni application off this week too. My laptop's in for repairs so i haven't been on here for a while properly.

  12. Not too bothered with them at the moment, taking one a fortnight as i'm busy with other things. How've you been this month?

  13. Good to hear everythings cool :)

  14. ---------- C) Sure, I'll keep hating Hamilton, because that's what I have always been up to and your fanboyism is only making it worse :) And thanks for the -rep. I'll be sure to return it whenever it's possible ;) ---------- Just to clear things up it was me who -Repped you for the comment above. The comment "Grow up" was a bit too strong - I do apologise for that. I do genuinely disagree with the logic you showed though. I've not posted this message to carry on the argument or anything, I don't want to, and I'm not a "hater" as you put it in that thread, no hard feelings, just thought it would be good to clear it up.

  15. Ah alright. You should stop smoking before it causes something much more important to go wrong!

  16. 95% of my friends aren't like that xD

  17. Was that sarcasm? >.< I genuinely believe I am quite sophisticated compared to a lot of people my age xD I'm so confused over that girl thing, isn't life crap? God really does hate gays, I've been dying for someone to like me for like, ever, and the first person that does is the wrong sex!

  18. Haha if you say so! I don't really care which coffeehouse I go to as I don't drink coffee, I just enjoy a nice hot chocolate and read the paper. I'm so sophisticated :cheeky:

  19. So do Starbucks, Costa, Nero's and any other coffeehouse brands i've forgotten haha. Yeah I saw that haha, I'm just relieved we don't have to put up with your "Diablo?" "Diabloooo?" "Did the postman come todayyyyyy?" for a fortnight like usual xD

  20. Holy cow that's a busy year for you :eek: Prom should be good yeah, looking forward to it :) Do you smoke? Maybe thats something to do with the tonsils :cheeky: I'm totally against smoking so just ignore me xD

  21. I know! I booked my driving test this week, I'm currently looking for a job and will be going to Uni in a year :eek: Time's going too quickly.

  22. Damn! There goes my £$£$£ :( And yeah she knows, has known for ages. *shrug* I'll just have to see how things go. Cafe is the same as a coffee shop isn't it? xD Cafe = Coffee in french :p Good to hear things are going alright though :D

  23. I'd stay away from UK unis, extortionately expensive at the moment, although they do have a good reputation worldwide. And yeah lifes so much better without the childish internet ways of the past isn't it.

  24. Oh yeah me too, I wasn't suggesting we enter back into it haha, I'm wayyyyy too busy for that nowadays :p I've been doing good too, I've been spending hardly any time on the internet anymore, I have a very decent social life and I also did very well in my exams :) No boyfriend as of yet, but I'm working on it haha. Moving abroad is awesome, Canada is equally awesome. I don't envy you for having to choose the right uni in a foreign country, I'm finding it hard enough to find the right uni in the country I live in!

  25. HELP! xD Different kind of advice needed this time :p A good looking, clever, popular friend has feelings for me, only problem is it's a she rather than a he! I'm so confused as to how this has happened xD A girl likes a gay guy that likes a straight guy, I'm going to copyright that storyline and sell the film and book rights on for millions xD Enough about me though, hows life in the coffee shop?

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