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Everything posted by Nodz86

  1. Heres a few I've had for a few days and ain't got round to posting. Couple of Exige's, a 350z and a couple of Seats that appear to be on Red spanish plates, not sure if red ones mean that they are trade plates if so are they testing a new/improved car? Edit: Looks like an S2000 has been in the wars, can't see no damage on the side showing so might have broke down.
  2. THis is one of the Radio stations appearing in GTA IV and you can be on it!!!! Rockstar are getting people to call in and rant and then they could actually be in the game. Link below.
  3. I very much doubt that the GT series would ever appear on the 360 or any other platform come to that. The man who invented/makes the GT series has always been committed to sony and I doubt that would ever change. Plus I think Sony are the ones who publish the game.
  4. Wow is all I have to say, if these are in game graphics not just a trailer then they are some of the most realistic I have seen. This is the trailer for GT5 Prologue not GT HD and it was shown at this years E3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=hlxW4X6O4qg
  5. A few people are saying that this would not be a good idea and that if they want Forza use a Forza site, which is fair enough, but if you look on Forza Central they have a dedicated TDU, GT, and PGR section which they might have had to do to keep the site alive whilst waiting for the next install of the Forza series. So as I've said before a Forza section would be good as the 360's General driving section is mobbed with Forza threads which to some is a pain when trying to find a PGR thread and might get a few more members in the process.
  6. My first full time job was working at the Motorsport Wheels head office for the bloke who makes/imports/owns the rights to the Fox and RS wheels, he also imports MVK, O.Z. and BBS. The RS wheels are very good quality and well worth the mony imo i really like the chrome lip on them. Edit: If you do go for the RS wheels it might be worth getting them direct from there Belfast branch as it might be cheaper than a retailer. Dunno how close they are to you but heres the address: Unit 8 Buncrue Crecent Belfast County Antrim N Ireland BT3 9BW tel: 02890 371700 e-mail: [email protected] www.mswuk.com
  7. Your right they do produce different gasses, cows produce methane and cars produce CO2. The thig I wrote on the end about eating less dairy and meat products so there ain't as many cows was just a joke debate thing. BTW it isn't just cows all cattle produce methane, i.e. sheep, but not as much as a cow.
  8. Liking the your cars Hybrid, keep up the good work!!!
  9. Apparently cows produce more greenhouse gasses than your average 4x4. So is it the 4x4's that we should be taxing off the road or should we be cutting down on our steaks and dairy products. What do you think???? Article: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/itn/20070710/tuk-burping-cows-harming-environment-dba1618.html
  10. In your User CP section of the site there is a section to use a signiture you upload a pic from your comp or add a web address for a file then hey presto. Also the Sigs have strict rules on size but it will tell you this in that section. And there is alot of people who make them for others on here aswell alot of them threads are in 'The Bin' section of this site.
  11. They weren't pretending to be doctors as they all held medical qualifications it was more a front to cover up what they was planning.
  12. I might do that when I get a bit of time, thanks for letting us know.
  13. Heres a pic of the new Civic Type R, a couple of an S2000 and some porsche's.
  14. I think you only get a refund if you paid for the Black Pack as that was ment to be free in the first place, but as the red pack has been out a while and they cocked up by charging for the black pack they have made it free, so I doubt you'll get a refund for the Red Pack as they will probably say something like if you had waited you would've got it free but as you wanted it on release you paid for it. I remember on the old Xbox that if you wanted DLC, on release you had to pay but after 3months it became free and they didn't give refunds so I guess the same would apply to this pack.
  15. Heres a couple I've just got and a few from yesterday. Ferrari think its a 599 not a 612, recovery truck with some BM's in another and a pic with Subaru the 2 Fakspeed Vipers and load of other motors. In the 4th pic on the top row at the back right hand side theres a yellow sports car that looks like one of them Renault sports cars that was made a few years back not sure though. Also saw a Ultima down Southend today but couldn't get any pictures of it.
  16. Well done S71NG3R, noticed in one of the threads this morning that you was a mod as your name had changed colour.
  17. I don't understand that either. Also I thought they was only producing a limited run as VW was selling them at a loss, but I read in Auto Express the other week that they are upping the production by about 20 cars a year.
  18. Thanks for letting us know. There is also a free Live Earth picture pack and theme for dlc aswell.
  19. From RSV site. New maps and game modes available now on Xbox LIVE Rainbow Six Vegas: Player’s Pack Red Edition The Player’s Pack Red Edition consists of two new game modes, Assassination and Total Conquest, and five multi-player maps witch support all RS Vegas multiplayer game modes. Game modes Assassination mode The goal of the Attackers is to eliminate a high-value asset of the Defenders, who in turn will try to defend and escort the VIP to his extraction Zone. Total Conquest This is a team-oriented, static control-point game mode where each map contains three (3) «Mobile Radar Installations" (control points). To win, a team must activate and maintain control of at least one of the three (3) «Mobile Radar Installations" locations for a given period of time Maps Marshalling Yard This century-old service yard is situated in the center of an industrial district. Still active today, it is primarily used to store cars, but is also equipped with cleaning and maintenance facilities. RECOMMENDED PLAYERS: 16 / MAX. PLAYERS: 16 Roof Terrorists take position in a coffee factory near the Mexican border. From its roof they have a nice view of the town and their potential enemies. RECOMMENDED PLAYERS: 16 / MAX. PLAYERS: 16 Doscala Restaurant (Las Vegas, Nevada) Well known Italian restaurant located in the heart Las Vegas, near the famous street of Freemont. RECOMMENDED PLAYERS: 16 / MAX. PLAYERS: 16 Border Town - Redux The city of San Joshua Del Mosquiera was recently overrun by crime and gang violence. The abandoned church is now the center of a violent turf war between rival gangs. Killhouse - Redux This Kill House was built near the Mexican border to train counter terrorism units in urban warfare tactics. document.write('')
  20. Reminder: RSV Red Pack is now free Just a quick reminder that (as previously announced) the Rainbow Six Vegas Red Pack is now available for free on the Xbox Live Marketplace. This joins the Black Pack (also free) that was released last week. From Major Nelson.
  21. That Cobra's probably a Kit Car, you don't see many originals around.
  22. Nodz86

    Bye bye!

    Have a good holiday MartijnMb.
  23. I Like the Lego Iveco in the background, nice collection of cars aswell, are all your slot cars Ninco or have you got other makes???
  24. The save data will be fine as you keep your hard drive, controllers etc (well my mate did) they just want the 360. The trouble with the DLC is that it is tied to the consoles code to stop copyright, so if you got a console back with a different code the DLC wouldn't work, unless you always played signed into XBL.
  25. I know when my mate gets rid of stuff he does system restore and goes back a week but i'm not sure that will work as you've formatted the drive. If the account was an online one you might be able to still access the account but will probably have to start over agin.
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