What annoys me is that some stupid movie producer took drifting and ruined the fun for the rest...
Now you have people all over the place that say they can drift when they pull the handbrake on their fwd cars and go into an intersection...
It also annoys me that the definition of drifting is turned to an "inside the box" thing. I mean, drifting used to only be on the mountain roads in Japan, The snowy roads in Scandinavia etc. and the D1, Big X, etc. came long after that so that definition that you posted is retarted...
I am in no ways saying I know best and I own at drifting or something(I dont even drive yet) but i did know about it before all the US Mags started writing(which is how Drifting actually got so popular) about it and have to say that I hate how the media can take something fun and blow it up...
Anyways, from what I understand, drifting is the practice of making controled slides where by the back end loses traction but is still under control. The straight away drifting is mostly a transitional fase from one corner to another. This has probably evolved out of the Feint drift (or scandinavian flick which i just learned :) ) where the drivers try to make the back end lose traction by turning in against te corner and then flicking i the other way.
I mean, these are probably the basics that you need to know about drifting. I'm no expert as I said before, but I have watched alot(and i mean aloooot) of drifting videos, read alot of articles, etc. To bad about the media cause now im not interested anymore...