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Everything posted by -Lr-SpeedraceR

  1. Funny pic Carfreak ^^ Here's my entrie :)
  2. CLK DTM pics are Awesome... others to, your quality is good, i'm crying ^^
  3. The view on the 2nd pic is really nice ! :) Is it in the Keolek.....(something like that) Pass ?
  4. Hey, Here's my first vid on TDU, which show a friend, Nascar (dark blue 300C), crashing all the time :p Hope you'll enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVTBWhCn-7U Edit : How to put the Youtube vid directly in the forums thread ?
  5. Welcome :) You can see more than 650 pics I took from TDU here if you want :) : http://michaelmichael33.free.fr/index.php?fpp=50&did=3-31
  6. http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd213/Evilist_2007/TDU/20071205165858.jpg Best one ! :)
  7. Perfect pics :) Tunnel pics are always great with high graphic setting !
  8. Yes, i saw u too, but cant connect to u either :/
  9. Update ! Some misc pics, and Lotus Esprit V8 evening with a friend pics :)
  10. Iced_Bullet got my vote :) I like this mess up which seems not bad as it is ^^
  11. Here's my entrie... not at all what i wanted to do, but i didnt find a way (and the time) to catch up 5 people to realize my idea... So i just took this shoot now just before the deadline ;) Btw, why the subject of each PotW would be not choose by the winner of the contest ? It could be more interessant (i dont say it was bad subjects ^^), and more attractiv :)
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