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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. Sorry I've been busy these past few nights :( I've wanted to catch up though, thankfully no more exams! So shouldn't be so busy now :D

  2. That sounds awesome xD I need a new one, perhaps I could steal our Swift's driver's seat :whistle: I'll be very jealous if you get one. :p

  3. Hello /random boredom

  4. 7654321 :evil: Hei :hello:

  5. :leaves: :hmmm: So I've heard, I suppose. But I don't know how much money I have in my account at the moment :hmmm: I think it's £5.. will have to check

  6. :eek: Good luck with that *cough* Roal Fail *cough* Aww :( Hopefully yeah :D I really need to get my arse out and donate :hmmm: Got a spare £5 laying around... but do I trust PayPal? No... xD

  7. :lol: Yeah.. camel :leaves: Dirty minds ftw! :D You got gold yet? :(

  8. :lol: I remember that. Better than being a headless Monk... :eek: :eek: YES! Damn humpy thing :(

  9. Sister Moftie :eek: :bow: And XD Who let the duck loose again :p CAMEEEEEEEEL


  11. I'm sure together we could come up with some imaginative usernames for people :lol:

  12. xD Yay, sounds fun. :( I would help but.. errm. xD I bet you're glad to go back though! And :lol: i'm okay I suppose thanks, Arse-Central sounds a bit like a porn site though :hmmm: Interesting..

  13. XD That damn :o face always gets in the way! :p So.. how are you? xD

  14. Oi! :hello:

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdYl72wA6QQ :p

  16. :lol: Yeah, I was wondering why on earth they would put it in otherwise. Star in a reasonably priced car, anyone? :p

  17. :eek: What! Damn. :(

  18. Oops :lol: I'll check YT...

  19. xD Thanks. :p

  20. :lol: Dirty mind! xD Yeah I am, don't really know why but hey. Could be a laugh I guess. Not going with anyone obviously xD

  21. XD Yeah, funny watching them go past so loud :lol: Ahh right, lucky, mines next Tuesday! :( And then prom. :eek:

  22. :eek: XD. I like the sound of a van. :D Do your exams finish then or something? :hmmm:

  23. xD Me too. :( *looks at watch* Only a few months left. :D

  24. xD Sorry I was feeling random. :)

  25. HAI :hello:

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