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Everything posted by hesonly5

  1. Aw, poor KTF *headpat* Better?
  2. - CMM didn't do what I asked him (to keep the centipede in a shoebox with holes in and name it Sid) ++++ Saw Hancock - awesome film! --- Don't feel to great after eating a pack of Giant Chocolate Buttons, a HUGE pack of popcorn, Two packs of Haribos, a Dr Pepper and a Relentless xD +++++++++++++ SUGAR RUSH! woooo *happy dance* +++ Awesome pair of TopMan shoes for £5! I lurve sales! :D
  3. hesonly5

    Not me!!

    *agrees with the above posts* Look, even if it wasn't his brother, at least the kid is trying to apologise for it. I'm kinda disappointed with the reaction of some people on here :( EDIT: Hang on two secs... that means I agreed with Chrisicus.... this can't be right xD lawl j/k ;)
  4. From where I'm standing that site looks best with your eyes closed :p
  5. Haha!! rofl, that's awesome! +rep if I could...
  6. ---- Mike's trying to get me to talk in French O_O
  7. Sorry to hear that Balto :( Hope you're not gone for too long :) *headdesk*
  8. --- People like you making judgements without knowing anywhere near the full story. +++++ I has a secret :D
  9. This is really wrong but very funny at the same time XD *not for the squeamish*
  10. + lots :p - my graphics are still being used *gasp* - I suck at headers on Wii Fit and fall over +++ however, I'm weirdly good at ski jumping xD ----- lots of work to do :( ++ however I do get lots of money *dance*
  11. - Unmentionables about Flux + Wii Fit arrived - Didn't leave work 'til gone seven :cry: + finally got to try Wii Fit - Used the board the wrong way round *headdesk*
  12. That's exactly why people love the Veyron so much. It's not so wierd, and ugly and out of this world. It's subtly amazing.
  13. Oooh, lots of birthdays today! Happy Birthday Shar! :birthday:
  14. See what I mean, KTF? xD Although I do hope you're being sarcy, Rtoups ;)
  15. Ahh! I think I love you, this is so cool! Do you mind if I post this on Flux (with full credit, obv). Or! even better - you sign up and post it yourself ;) Shameless advertising FTW! EDIT: This is so cool! :D First Attempt... http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x12/randomus_robbius/contiGT.jpg And I know this one's a crap Photoshop, but it's late at night and I cba to make it look better, but it needed doing xD http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x12/randomus_robbius/smart.jpg
  16. Oh, that's what makes you so insane then xD
  17. Weird, the image isn't loading for you....
  18. I'm sorry if I caused offence, it wasn't meant that way.
  19. I know a LOT of people who still think that, yes.
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