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Posts posted by mistermojo

  1. Hey guys, recently I was lucky enough be able to get involved with Eden Star, an indie first-person survival/creation game from Flix Interactive; and I wanted to share the game with the TurboDuck community to see what you all think :) We've just launched our Kickstarter page which has a bucket-load of information about the project, a longer video with interviews etc, and an opportunity to pledge a little money if you like what you see and want to see the game made!




    Eden Star Kickstarter


    To get things started, here's our debut trailer:



    Looking forward to seeing what you guys think :D

  2. After almost burning down my entire house ive decided to knock it down and start again lol! This time without using wood as the main thing to build the house from!


    Lol, that sucks :P that's the reason my place is slowly turning to stone...

  3. I just think it would be stupid and unfair to ban the energy condenser. Especially when some players (such as you Mojo :p) have obviously heavily depended on it to get so far in front of everybody else. It wouldn't be fair to the newer and lower ranked players. If it makes the game too easy for you, simple, don't use it then.


    But I'm telling you guys Tekkit heavily relies on these machines later on...


    Yeah fair enough, it wasn't actually my idea, I was just told to get other people's opinions ;)


    I built my fortress 'legit' anyway, so I don't feel too bad :p

  4. You don't need any items to duplicate stuff other than the target, you can power it with collectors + any light source. You can chuck other items in to speed it up but you don't really need to :p The transmutation tablet is the 'conversion' one. I'm still new to tekkit so apologies if I've got the names of stuff wrong :o

  5. So me and khev were having a chat about him maybe blocking energy condensers as they're a bit ridiculous in this version of tekkit. If you don't know, they basically duplicate whatever item you put in, better items taking longer for each duplication.


    I've got the most rubbish, low level one possible and can get whatever building material I want from it instantly, along with getting around 40+ diamonds a day from it. Reaper's makes diamonds every 8-9 seconds so you can imagine it kind of spoils the point of minecraft a bit :p


    Anyway, khev wanted me to get people's opinions, so here I am - what are other people's thoughts? :)

  6. The end is in sight, my dissertation is almost done, my practical stuff is submitted, my portfolio is online and I'm in the process of sorting out my CV in preparation for me spamming it at a million companies in desperation when I leave uni :D


    After hand-in day I'm gonna take a week off to do bugger all other than playing games and watching TV/films just because I can :p

  7. As someone who's spent most of the last 14 years playing games, I'm gonna have to try and keep it short :p


    1. Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, first game I played when I was seven, definitely deserves a mention, although Croc's death noise still haunts me to this day.

    2. Pretty much the entirety of Final Fantasy IX, such an awesome game. Beautiful storytelling and characters.

    3. Leaving Dr Kleiner's lab in Half Life 2 and seeing all the combine forces come out of the citadel - so epic.

    4. Playing Micro Machines V3 with my dad as a kid, and the ridiculous rivalry we had.

    5. Getting the crap scared out of me in Amnesia: The Dark Descent, specifically the prison, the Choir and Storage. If you've played it you'll know what I mean :p

    6. Pretending to be a military genius in Medieval: Total War.

    7. All the good times on Team Fortress 2 and CSS, before I got bored of 'em.

  8. What's your Steam and what server & faction do you play on?


    Reply is a week late but mistermojo28, Ceres, TR ;) although I mess around with the other ones occasionally.


    On topic, server looks pretty cool judging by GTAMADDOG's videos, may check it out soon.

  9. well i think team speak would be a good idea, but GTAMADDOG is right for this server to be worth it, we need more people



    whats your MC name mistermojo and i'll add you when i next go on


    I think it's "mistermojo28" not played in a while :P if not just try "mistermojo"

  10. A helmet saved me from getting a rock lodged in my skull and so I definitely agree with what's been said regarding them :P


    Biking used to be one of my favourite thingst to do, especially as I live in a nice area for it, but I haven't done it properly for so long. When uni's over ;)

  11. Went to see one of my favourite bands for my 21st, first proper gig since I was 13 and it was so good I'm not sure I can describe it without breaking the forum rules on swearing :p also got to see my girlfriend for a bit as I won't see her for a while and home for easter to see my family. Oh and I'm 21 so I can legally drive a HGV :)

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