Yet another:
At the strip, and this kid (who admits his age is 9 later on) decided to announce his arrival in the server by screaming racial comments, various curse words and something about another guy's mother. He's in a Saleen S7 (big surprise) and instant challenges me. Me being in my LM, I decline on the small chance that he may get to pick the race and it would, I am guessing, be a straight line. Anyhow, after his screaming subsides, he leaves the server. No one is talking so I find a different one as well. Sure enough, I stumble upon the one that he has already entered. This time though, he wasn't speaking english. According to him, he was now polish, but obviously forgot that i was in the server with him not 5 minutes ago in which he was speaking perfect english. But to make it even funnier, most of the wordswe was saying were spanish and french, and in fact, not one of them was polish in the least. No one else really paid attention to it but i was getting quite that laugh out if it. Even funnier than that, I waited til a few minutes past and asked him what language he was speaking. His response was, "Dude, I already told you, I am speaking polish." This respone seemed, to my ears, to be in perfect english. So I meerly stated my opinion on his maturity, and then he said something about nitrous and my mother. So I left lol