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Everything posted by hpluls

  1. Congrats to Dragozool for winning :) Car Modification Of The Week: Week 17 Rules: The car must be tuned by you. No voting for yourself come poll day. The cars are to come from any Need for Speed game (or other games with a tuning feature). The cars must follow the theme. Only one car can be submitted per person, but a person can submit up to 3 photos of the same car. The cars must be modded using in-game tuning features. No photoshopping allowed (apart from resizing, cropping, your name/logo, brightness/contrast). Usual forum image rules apply (no more than 800x640 and 350 KB). Cars cannot be used twice for two different subjects. The winner chooses the next theme by PM-ing me. If one person wins twice in a row, the person they voted for chooses the next theme. This week's themes: Japanese Cars / Lamborghini / Classic Muscle. Closing Date: Thursday 12th August 2010
  2. Since Dragozool still hasn't replied, I guess we'll have to get themes from the runner-ups.
  3. The Queen for me as well.
  4. This week's theme was: Daily Routine. No voting for yourself, you'll be disqualified if you do so. Entrants: 1. GTAMADDOG http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010177.jpg 2. KoenigseggBG 3. TomRS 4. EyeKatcher http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr182/EyeKatcher/Everydaylife.jpg 5. M a r c o Po l o -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 6. mistermojo 7. Variodical -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 8. t. 9. cis4care 10. Car Freak http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_0096-1.jpg 11. Penfold 12. Ryzza5
  5. After completing the single player mode in Blur (PS3), I'm currently playing it online. It's pretty fun, I'm on rank 11 already (out of 50).
  6. I rang the Asus tech support today and got it sorted out. The hard drive works perfectly fine now, restored Vista on it, currently installing Win 7. Thanks to everyone who helped ;)
  7. Thanks for the help, will definitely try it. I tried inserting the Asus Recovery Disc thing, and it seems like it does have Vista on it, seeing as it showed the "Windows is loading files" bar, followed by the Vista loading bar (just like the Win 7 upgrade disc did). The thing is, I inserted the disc about half an hour ago and as of now it shows nothing but the Windows cursor on a black screen. I also can't hear the disc spinning or anything. Guess I'll have to try the hirens program. EDIT: I downloaded Hiren's BootCD, but I'm confused as to which file to burn on the CD... There is a file called "Hiren's.BootCD.10.6.iso" (probably the ISO file you're talking about), but it's actually a RAR file... Here's a screenshot from the archive I downloaded, you can see the file on it. And here's what the "iso" file contains: Which one should I burn? :confused:
  8. Hmm... Yesterday I tried putting the upgrade disc in the PC and changing the booting priority so that it would boot the DVD first (I forgot to mention that I found out how to enter my BIOS - it's F2, not F8. That's why I couldn't get into it at first). It loaded the installer screen (the one with the language selector), I even tried to install Windows to see what would happen, but because the drive was corrupted, it just stayed at the "initiating installer, please wait" screen. Not sure which of the following was the cause: the malfunctioning drive, or the fact it was an upgrade disc. I also found something called an "ASUS Recovery Disc", which came with the laptop. It supposedly has all the stuff that was preinstalled on the HDD in the factory. I highly doubt it has Vista itself on it, but I might try running the disc now and see what's on it. Maybe it has the stuff I need...
  9. Hmm, that's what I initially thought... Guess lying on the back seat of the car wrapped in a plastic bag over hundreds of kilometers of bumpy roads didn't do it good (I need to get a case :fp:). Since the majority of things I kept on it were my photos (which I have backups of) and Photoshop stuff (which can be retrieved from the Internet), I'm now considering formatting the disc myself and reinstalling Windows. Since the drive powers on (the HDD light blinks and I can hear it spinning inside), there's a possibility it just got corrupted or something (as BMW_Robert said). The thing is, do you have to put the HDD into another PC, or can it be done using BIOS? If so, how? (The BIOS is American Megatrends something, if that helps). Thanks in advance.
  10. Wait until you see this. This video is wrong on so many levels... I was hesitant whether to post it here, but since this thread is about weird vids, then well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L555M8ZlU1k
  11. Thanks for the votes everyone, I voted for zo6dude. ;)
  12. The HDD light does blink, so I guess it powers on...
  13. Photoshop Tuning Of The Week: Week 39 Vote No Voting For Yourself, including multiple accounts! This Week's Theme: Entrants: ------------ 1. hpluls 2. Koenigsegg -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 3. zo6dude http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad198/Corvetteboy3/TDUCPhotoshop-1.jpg 4. Variodical -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  14. These are random, but pretty awesome... I've seen more disturbed YouTubers :p
  15. I bought the computer online. I'm pretty sure the store I'm taking it to honors warranty papers. If not, then I'll send it to Asus... Installing Windows obviously failed, the hard drive is most definitely dead.
  16. Thanks for the replies ;) I just remembered that I have the "Vista to 7" upgrade disc that I got from Asus as a part of a free upgrade program. I'm currently trying to install that, probably a stupid move seeing as the HDD is (probably) dead, but worth trying. If it doesn't work, I'll take it to the computer store tomorrow to have it repaired. I can live without my data, most of it was just Photoshop crap that I made, plus I stuck most of it on the net anyway so it can be recovered. Good thing I found that Windows disc.
  17. Thanks for the help ;) Yeah, the error apears before I can even enter safe mode, so mashing F8 just produces a bunch of weird PC Speaker noises. I think it's still on warranty, so I guess I gotta send it to Asus. I really hope my stuff didn't get wiped out, as I never made a spare copy of Windows due to not having any clean DVDs at hand... so I'm pretty much screwed if my HDD did go belly up >.<
  18. I have an Asus K50IJ laptop which was purchased at the end of 2009. Three weeks ago, I went on a trip and took the laptop with me. The place where I stayed at turned out to have no WiFi, so the laptop spent three weeks lying basically unused on the shelf (I did turn it on once to check if I could find any wireless network, and it worked perfectly fine at that time). Today, I came back home and attempted to turn the laptop on. The first thing that welcomed me was the "This copy of Windows 7 may not be original" (while I run a fully legal copy of Win 7 Home Premium, upgraded from Vista). A window came up offering me to "purchase a legal copy of Windows 7", but having done that half a year ago, I clicked Cancel. The loading seemed to take a little bit longer than it usually does, but in the end, Windows loaded. I tried to open my browser, but it froze the system, so I turned it off by holding the power button for 6 seconds. When I turned the laptop on again, it showed nothing but a black screen saying "A disk read error occured. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I tried doing that, but it just shows up the same message. Same when I tried turning it off with the power button and turning it back on. What should I do?
  19. Would an energy ball count as a weapon?
  20. Today was a good day for car spotting. Saw my first SLS (absolutely stunning :eek:), the new Cayenne, a Jag XK and XJR, and a Mercedes S-class.
  21. :bump: Extended until next week...
  22. It's kinda like personalized numberplates. Pretty cool, but... what's the point?
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