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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. You can only achieve ace with a multiplayer account. A 100% save game would mean someone has to give up their username and password. That'll never happen.
  2. Well... Yes it does Tobz wanted breakfast so bad, he was raging. So he decided to cook breakfast, but had to wait... Then he cut his sausages up, then he cut his toast, finally he realised that the gas didn't work, facepalmed and then threw it away. So yes. That does have something to do with breakfast!
  3. Kurgan, please stop ridiculing the members. Most of the threads in which you'll post in will almost certainly end up in an argument, or at least a few purely off topic posts depicting who has the highest E-Ego. Lay off. Some people just aren't fully literate.
  4. Ah, the good old days. I remember when we weren't allowed to take our phones to school at all. Anyone who did had them taken off. Except that didn't really work as we all just used to shout abuse at the teacher and get sent out, then we'd just have a chat outside the classroom haha Good times.
  5. Tool. Read the Ingredients matey ;) Stating involvement in breakfast tis a no-no ;)
  6. In future, I recommend THIS tool (Click the link) Much easier to use, and it's a standalone exe, you don't need to install it, and can store it anywhere you wish.
  7. +1 for the minority. ;) It is a good looking car though. Always liked the ContiGT
  8. If you read the fine print when signing up, You'll have basically signed over your life to Diablo. (Legally, he can actually take your teeth, as you accepted it :p) Always be vigilant when around Diablo. He's a strange one
  9. Why would you want to vacuum an egg? :confused:
  10. Check the date of the last post in future, please ;)
  11. Hats off to you, Sir. That was a post worthy of some reputation.
  12. Who cares if someone's is better than someone else's? At the end of the day, modders can only work to their limit of knowledge. So enough of the "Tools is better than yours" Crap and just be grateful that mods are actually being released. It's what you signed up to TDU:C for, so why complain?
  13. I can just see Diablo wearing a Tutu and parading around with his magic wand... Actually. That scares the hell outta me *Tries to remove image*
  14. AKA The Queen! Hope you'll enjoy your GTX460's in SLI haha. Have a good day mate.
  15. Grin has released a fair few racebikes. Check out the ModShop for them!
  16. The game comes as a 1.45A. You'll have to automatically update it to 1.66a when you get the game to play online (I think the Atari site still hosts the patch) After that, you can play online and do anything you want to do. The other patches (1.67 and 1.68) are user-made patches, they're not official. They don't really make the game any more stable, but they do add cool features such as new traffic cars and stuff.
  17. You could always create a 3d model of her and put her in your interior? :p
  18. Yes, cross platform gaming is not supported in TDU. You have to both have the same platform to see eachother in game.
  19. Bulgaria *Cough* ;) Just kiddin' Leave it as the UK, or perhaps Scotland? :leaves:
  20. Yesterday, I saw an Audi R8 V10 in blue!! Not too far from me, so on Tuesday, I might take another detour and see if it's still there.
  21. Looks like you've abducted Wally.
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