The Auto-installer Installs the new interior colors (amazing eh?) and are not giving the command to let the car changing it's colors. That's the big +for the installer, as you have not clicking as much and decide for the perfect color combination without even knowing how it will look ingame.
The most modders already know it, then why I should be the one who the modders which don't know it will know it from? :)
It's of course not the only reason why I've stopped modding TDU1. I'm simply bored of this routine FM3-Moving Spoiler-ect ect crap.
Sure it works perfectly, but the installer includes some things which you CAN'T install manually. Like in this case the interior colors, as the mod is placen on a car which don't even have any. That's why the interior is white.
Then they have to download the requires. So simple is this.