......Ooh Aahhh! I Waaannna Knooooww the October Stats! :D
Good evening ladies and gentle penguins, as you will have seen from the last few months of our stats the forum is getting just a little bit mighty popular and with every passing month I am drinking more and eating more cardboard in order to keep the place running, soooooooooo what has happened this month then?
Well wouldn't you like to know, no really would you? Are you sure? Final answer? Ok then, come on down whatever your name is and view the stats below while I bang my head against the wall nice and slow. Oooh now that's smooooooth on your tongue.
Just a reminder that last month we were so close to 13,000,000 hits that even doing that would be great but well ....we can't just do things small here so the stats for TDUcentral in October was......
16,094,795 hits
97Gb Bandwidth
2,998,974 Pages Viewed
552 new members
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
AND AGAIN AND AGAIN A MASSIVE THANKS to all the modders who continue to create new and exciting cars and custom options for the vehicles in TDU. We hope you guys keep the goodies coming as the community here and ingame is drooling over what you are all creating! :thumbsup:
AS USUAL HUMONGOUS CHEERS to all our members and all the lurkers (*bark*) who also have helped towards this by being shy and just skimming every thread and then taking the info here and then bolting into the night like a crazed budgie on Lemsip screaming Queens' It's a Kind of Magic at the top of their lungs. Sanely though, we couldn't do this without all of you so keep it on us for the slightly strange way we conduct our experiments here and of course the news about TDU, as after all we do need to do that subject despite how earth shatteringly boring it may seem ...you diiiiiiiiig!?
Cheers all, you're greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat!!!
TDU Central Staff