Well the launch is in 4 days....I think that IW has lost out with this game and it could have been the biggest ever?
There is no Lean, No Dedicated servers and we are not allowed mods?
we are not asking for the earth just these 3 simple things, to the PC community it is this game COD that has kept the FPS games alive....
There are servers out there that host battlefield 1942 and other fps but like I say COD is that type of game everyone loves.
I play on PC and have not slated XBOX or PS, its not thier problem that IW/Activision have lost the way?
IW/Activision have made the game they would have for the Xbox/PS anyway, it is the PC side that has suffered as they are trying to launch a game accross all platforms, Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising is a classic example of why the Internet side of play will not work for the PC.
They say that IW.Net will hand hosting rights over to the next best available person if the person hosting switches off?
what if that person does not wish to have the rights or allow IW.Net throught the Firewall which I know I do not want anyone or thing inside my computer.
Now with Xbox/PS you are not at risk of Spyware or Viruses/Infections, where the PC has a lot of information on other than a game?
I know that I store hundreds of photos and other programs, letters and passwords on my system and I do not want anyone having access to it thank you....
My respects to people who play whatever they play?
If someone is playing the Xbox version of the game & I play the PC version and say were friends we will talk about what we have done in the game and how easy or difficult we found it to do?
but my point is its IW/Activision who has made the mistake not the gaming community so all the Biatchin on the other Forums that have petitions and other slagging matches going on, on them is just plain stupic.
IW has everyone at each others throat Xbox/PS and Pc communities are slagging each other off because of a game and they way that a games company want you to play it?
I know that if it was the other way around and they said that they want Xbox and PS to be able to have or enter Dedi servers you would love the experience but it is a problem for them as they do suffer with Lagg?
My friend has Xbox 360 live, he is addicted to Gears of War, I have watched him play and we have spoken about the players that go in there and the age and the thing that pops out at you is the lack of players.
By this I mean that at most he has 8 players in his hosted game and some of them warp and lagg so much its hard to kill them as by the time you have shot them they are not there, so therfor you have to shhot them by a lead shot thats anticipating where thay my be?
I play on PC like I have said and I play in a server every night called A TIN OF, now they have 2 servers running both with 32 player limits thats 16 a side and they are fun, there may be the odd cheat that come in but they soon get kicked because a code comes up with whatever cheat they have enabled.
We are not going to see weather a player has a cheat enabled but we know how well we are able to play a game and you know that they are cheating but you are powerless to do anything about it?
I wont lie, I have cancelled my order but I have just reordered it as I love the COD games so much I have it just for the single player mode after I finish it I will either sell it on Ebay or put it on the shelf with other games I dont play anymore......
Well heres to everyone out there waiting for this and torn apart by all the slagging off that has gone on....Remember its not you its the big game companys that are trying to brain wash you and heard you all like sheep to do as they want.