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Everything posted by iLLGT3

  1. IMO, you need spacers. It's nice to see someone who knows how to properly build a Civic. :coolspot:
  2. Kotaku Can't wait to see Cyrodiil.
  3. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. Lets get this rolling again.
  5. Which lalalalalala changed the thread title? :hmm: Oh yes. Filters. :hsquad:
  6. From my understanding, UK and US people can't play with eachother. UK runs through Frogster and I have no idea who I'm playing through. My in game name is Talaras, you can give it a try.
  7. That it does. Have you gotten started on the 3 day head start?
  8. Who's playing? -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- ---------- Post added at 3:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 2:47 PM ---------- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  9. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  10. Absolutely, hands down, the best episode of the show. If the show could be summed up in one episode, the finale would be it.
  12. It seems as though you gain an FPS every time you take a screenshot.
  13. Holy.. What??
  14. MLPFiM Discussion Since the other one got deleted, :oook: here's a new one but... the season has ended. :( Diskusssss :cool:
  15. Yeah it does run a lot better with a limiter. I had trouble with the in game vsync myself. Felt like my HDD was stuttering.
  16. Well that's no fun that you can't use the EnB. :( If you turn off vSync, you may get crazy physics issues. Very odd but yea.
  17. I used rainmeter for awhile a long time ago but now that it's ponies, I'm going to try that out again lolol

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