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Everything posted by BioHazard7911

  1. Sorry for my attitude back then, the car looks good so far, are you still working on it? EDIT: Sorry I forgot to look at the date (of how old the thread is).
  2. Well me and dad just recently finished a Nismo Skyline Z-Tune. I'll get pics soon, nice cars btw.
  3. I was doing a car delivery mission today and I was driving an Aston Martin DB4 GT Zagato. And then I somehow thought of James Bond, so then, I thought "Why not have an Aston Martin DB5?" Would be nice if this car would be made. Pics: http://images.google.com.au/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&q=1965%20Aston%20Martin%20DB5&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
  4. Cars on trade right now: Lamborghini Murcielago Coupe\Reventon\Diablo SV - Sold. Maserati 3500GT - Sold. Ferrari 288 GTO - Sold. TVR Tuscan S -Sold. Aston Martin DB7 Zagato - Red colour, max upgrades, can't remember how many kms driven.
  5. Looks like a newer M3 CSL. I like it though.
  6. You put this in the wrong sub forum, second, I have a mic, works in all of my games except TDU.
  7. Well I don't want to screw up like last time.
  8. I'm gonna pretend I did not read this post. :eek: And thanks for the welcome back everyone.
  9. I can assure you it won't happen again, and I don't want to hold a grudge with you forever, we don't have to be friends but we can at least respect eachother.
  10. Thats your opinion, everyone is entitled to one. And I was meaning what you would say about the apology.
  11. More like many weeks ago. Dark Stealth is heaps old, it was Death The Kid, and now its Phantom Dark.
  12. Now I wonder what Shy Guy will say about this.
  13. Yeah I remember driving it in the Alps on NFS Porsche Unleashed, I could barely do 200km\h in the snow :o
  14. Thank you. +rep back at you mate lol +rep for the hug, I love hugs lol (Its guy love, nothin' gay about it) Well I hope that I can at least be friends with most of the people here. And sorry again. Thanks, And there is one thing people, read carefully: I think I behaved badly on this forum because I have a sort of condition, I have aspergers syndrome, and I have to learn about self control (I have pretty much but I WILL learn how to control myself fully).
  15. I think we can try getting Grin116 to continue with the 930 RSR.
  16. That was the XBox version of TDU wasn't it?
  17. Alright fellaz, big update here: http://img44.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=20091007120902o.jpg
  18. Well I thought some of you would think of me differently for what I did so I thought about it and wrote this. Where have you been on Steam anyway? lol
  19. This is probably not the right place to put this thread, but anyway: I apologise for what I did in the past. My attitude was really bad, I was immature, unkind, arrogant, and disrespectful and that is what I am not in real life. I am willing to return to this forum and fix up what I did wrong to make good for the future, but if you want me to leave still, then I understand. Shy Guy, Baltoman, and everyone else who dislikes the Nazca: What I said to you was immature, I guess I can accept your opinions on the Nazca C2 from now on. But just remember if you dislike the car, just say so, you don't need to point out every flaw. Everyone else: I apologise for what you all had to put up with from me. I've learned my lesson and I will show my true personality if you give me another chance. I'm really sorry for what I have done. - Phantom Dark <333
  20. I still have GTA San Andreas so can you provide me a link? @Balto, don't make it worse.
  21. Nice car man, keep up the good work :)
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