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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2482/3942428764_72755a548a.jpg This one is just epic, I remember seeing it on flickr.
  2. Great shots all :thumbsup: I do like detail shots :D
  3. You should come over one year :p (but not if you're going to take better photos that me). It's got to be the most epic event of the year! There was even a Veyron in the public carpark last year :lol:. Less than a month to go!
  4. You never told me you you go them in a magazine! Well done :D WOOOOOOPP!!!
  5. Ermm she's about 40 :cheeky: You want the Blonde in the Green LP560! :D
  6. Lol we did about 6 as we got a bit lost and the convoy had gone somewhere else then came back :lol: We went through oxford circus aswell and the convoy got mobbed by tourists, but i didn't record that bit.. My best ever experience in a supercar!
  7. Not the best quality, that's the iPhone for you :lol:
  8. That Ferrari, 3 from the bottom has got be something special.. any idea what it is :confused: http://img443.imageshack.us/i/dsc01881vk.jpg/
  9. You have the same background as me :p
  10. EK for me, the lighting is awesome!
  11. Yeah Shmee is awesome, he's the guy who have me the lift in the S5, i'm the guy with the orange bag in his videos :p Thanks for all the nice comments :) Reventon, awesome Lambo Line-up, those Diablo GTRs are awesome!
  12. Yesterday was a crazy day, left home at 6.30 and got the train into London eventually arriving at about 8.45. Arrived in Hyde park around 9 to find the group of supercars I was looking for. At first there were only about five or six but as time went buy there were soon about 30 Ferraris and Lamborghini and 2 Atoms. They then left in their convoy and some guy who was following them in an Audi S5 Cabriolet offered me a lift so we could see the convoy go past in a different part of London. We then went over to Parliment Square and they drove round and round it and had gathered quite a crowd of tourists by the end. After this we hopped back in the S5 and headed to their next pit stop. This is where it got exciting as I managed to get a ride in the orange Diablo picture before for the rest of the trip where I became the navigator. So for the next 20 minutes I was setting in a Lambo in between Ferraris and other Lambos, it was just completely crazy. Finally we finished in Regents Park which where about 10 of the cars had a rev off to see who could get the loudest on the decibel meter! Pictures: A couple of random spots:
  13. Reventon, you should make your own thread with all your photos in and then post the best few in here and a link to your thread so you don't clogg up this thread completely. :) P.s: Asking for reputation won't get you reputation.
  14. :eek2: LM002, love them! Only ever seen one :(
  15. Teaser of today, more to come tomorrow when i've sorted them all out. :) Click for bigness
  16. Reventon!! :eek: Jealous Jealous Jealous P.s I had an Insane day today photos to come :)
  17. We can have an advent calendar with a different duck behind each door. :leaves: Actually it would be quite cool if they did something like that on the offical one or here if you could get all the stuff, but have a small pieces (maybe cars every so often) of TDU2 behind a door for the last 30 days or something just to get us stupidly hyped up :lol:.
  18. Wow, can I come? :D But seriously have fun and bring us back lots of stuff :thumbsup:
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