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Everything posted by COMB@T_$HOTGUN

  1. thx buddy Yh sry its that damn plastic bug that some ppl have, i will update that car aswell evry soon after i did the GT-S
  2. kk m8 good luck with some of ur other projects
  3. I also found a great sound here chek it out Factory Five Shelby Cobra
  4. np ^^ thx i will try it out later on if i got some free time ohh yh sure there will be a few cars coming but atm dont feel like modding and also im not mutch on the pc lately :(
  5. lmfao let me see what i can do for the next voting ;) Maby i will update my rim shop again (after i did the GT-S) havent been there for ages :sulk:
  6. Wow looks like we have a winner, i dont think the other cars will get over that
  7. i like that sound one of ur best ones so far, that one is also much louder then the other ones u made good job
  8. Nice guys looking good so far ;) @ ABC whys that buddy ?
  9. Well then hit the vote button buddy ;)
  10. Yh i see My next car poll will only have supercars then ^^
  11. Comon guys vote vote vote, 19 votes atm we can do better then that
  12. 02/11/09 Its offline,sry buddy :locked:
  13. Welcome to my first car voting, enjoy ur stay
  14. Hehe, Thx bro thats rly nice from u, means mutch to me :cheers:
  15. Thx alot for the support guys but i see evrybody got some great ideas, ill think i just open a poll soon with some cars and u guys can decide what u like to have, u can vote for a hole new mod or a update
  16. Naa guys rly that damn GTR was trolling me seens i startet it Maby i will try it again someday wenn i got my modding nervs back that i lost with this crazy mod xDD For a new mod i was thinking of a older car like golf 2,Impreza 22b or somthing els, or maby i just open a poll, we will see ^^
  17. sry guys but the M3 GTR is droped to meny probs with this damn car sry :( Im lookig now for a other good car to make
  18. nice nice m8 im gonna try it out later on Edit: the sound is rly epic but the volume is way to low IMO that could need a lil fixing
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