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Status Updates posted by ScoobSTi

  1. I've begun work on Rainmeter again, so hopefully I can finish it soon! :)

  2. I've changed my mind. I'll actually try a Ferrari first. The BMW will eventually come later. :)

  3. I've got a website for the skin. It's really primitive atm and there's not much on it. I also haven't done much to the skin recently. :lol:

  4. If I'm such a stalker, explain to me how I found out your name from another person. And that person was talking to you in the chatbox while I was there. If that person was never there, I would've thought your name was Andrea or something. Real stalkers don't find out someone's name from a different person. :cheeky:

  5. In your heaaaad, in your heaaaaaad

  6. Is it an e! Shirt?!

  7. Is it an f shirt?

  8. Is it an l shirt?

  9. Is it trademarked? :hmmm:

  10. It should refresh itself when new settings are applied. :hmmm: Also, I believe the cities and scenery locations are the only ones in existence. Those wallpapers were only made for a select few locations, so sadly not every major city can have one. I could be wrong though.

  11. It'll be fun :cheeky:

  12. It's hard to say. :hmmm: I originally Google'd "1M photoshoot" but then those popped up.

  13. It's like TDUCk except mainly focused on TDU2 lol

  14. Just in case you didn't look at the Bing clues, there's one rather "interesting" one for ya. :p

  15. Just started backing up my phone data. :) Hopefully all goes well. :D

  16. Let me google that for you

  17. Location: Ozzmcom's basement :hmmm:

  18. Logging in is the biggest pain in the world sometimes. :p

  19. Lol you thought I was serious? :fp: And meh it's ok lol I don't really like America myself sometimes. :P

  20. Maybe add Senna to that sig of yours! :cheeky:

  21. Maybe I do. :hmmm:

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