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  • Games I'm Playing
    Test Drive Unlimited/Grid/Sims 3/NFS Shift

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  1. amazing work urban.
  2. mk back to the topic. im curious of this too. I just got the newer version of the G15 keyboard and am curious if it shows anything on display..because the logitech site it says it has a TDU profile.
  3. DUDE SWEET! nicely done
  4. yeah i know but i got a VERY good job for someone my age and i own a BMW M3 E46 Conv. with SMG2 gearbox and a CLS 63 AMG but it still isnt that karting E30. but i am thinking of getting one soon.. i have seen som M3's and a Cecotto so maybe i'll buy one

  5. thats pretty crazy..cuz i just had the same happen with my e30 :( some lady hit me up on the front side panel. gah it sucks so much trying to fix it. :/

  6. hey i noticed yu own a E30.. i ove those cars.. i once had one of those a BMW M3 Cecotto to be precise i got it from a german guy saying he couldnt afford it anymore... it ended up in perfect shape untill some asshole hit the car from behind while i was waiting at a trafic light. the car was totalled and i coulndt afford the repairs costs and i sold it to another E30 lover he is still busy repairing it - the engine was perfectly fine-.... sorry drop thi on you but seeing you own a E30 i just remembered it

  7. huge problem here..the race called 'old school race' or w/e the one thats on your way to the light house, halfway through it im unable to finish because all the sudden theres a crappy graphical surrounding and you suddenly just fall off the road.
  8. could someone..(possibly tool?) make the good old 5 series E28? im actually surprised it hasnt been made already. its quite the nice car :)
  9. when they call you saying they cant see you, can you still see them and/or other players online?
  10. no its an internal drive. i use my main C: for windows and what not. and the secondary E: drive for games. im just curious if ill have like online problems if its on the secondary drive.
  11. would replacing one of the other zondas work?
  12. I was just wondering if i'll have any problems if i install tdu on my secondary harddrive?
  13. e30 for the major win

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