Ok, I've got the norwegian GameReactor Magazine. Sadly it is the same pictures and allmost the same translation/text.
Just a few things (my apologize if it's allready written here).
+ The version we tried looked very finnished.
+ Eden is currently working on new game-modes, online parts and some secret extrafunctions.
+ TDU2 will have 4 different racemodes.
+ Roads and environments are made with allmost painful accuracy.
+ Progress in-game can be done in 4 different categories.
+ You can "pimp" your appartment/house.
+ You can buy clothes.
+ You can buy car-equipments (Does't say what).
+ Many hidden secrets around the island.
+ An improved lobby which will let you explore the opponents vehicle choice and settings.
+ The author says: "The game reminds him on an online roleplay where you are a member of an guild in form of a carclub, compete against other clubs and or just hang together in their cars cruising around the streets".
I hope some of the info was new, and I apologize for my trainwreck english.