So I've been in the NL, visited a lot of it, saw my sister again, her bf and her bf's family again!
It's a great country, loved every single bit of it, but returning home is also nice.
Today was my return, great people on the plane too, this should be in the good day thread right??
We got to our car and it had a huge scratch on the driver's door, some jealous arsewipe or a frustrated soul perhaps.
We payed 90€ to leave it on that covered airport parking (P6 lisbon airport), and the responsible for the park didn't even bother coming down to check, he imediately said nothing to do.
So we went to the police, presented a crime complaint, lawyer at the ready, and the vigilant of the park called us and showed us a CCTV video,
Today a guy went by our car, looked at CCTVs (he had a key on one hand, and a backpack on another), crossed the road, then re crossed into where our car was, but behind the CCTV, he walked by our car, herp derp, then suddenly made an OOH RIGHT FACE, and turned right back into our car, and he got caught by another CCTV he didn't see.
The vigilant wrote on a paper which CCTVs caught him and at what time so the police can skip to that part when they get the video.
Bloody idiots.