I have been in a student trip so it has been impossible to comment. If this is your first sound mod I have to say that it´s really good. I hope you will continue working on this. Good sound mod and thank you so much:clap:
And as Diablo has said it´s unnecessary, if you need to say something to someone, you have the option to send a private message to talk about you want with the person you want. So this is unnecessary because this is a topic of VIOLATOR mod, not a Comb@t mod. You decided to left this community, it´s perfect, I respect it, but I don´t like that you will try to get prominence and be the navel of the world, disrespecting the other members of this community and littering the post of another person only because you feel bad. I always desire to you the best and I hope one day you return here and post your mods again, but if you don´t want to, at least, respect the people who do it and the people who are registered in this forum.
Sorry for that Violator. As i said before, thank you so much for the mod!!