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  1. Thank you for the mod! I use the mod Hide Harcore Icon which uses the same files so I can't use both mods at the same time. Is it possible to merge these two mods so we get the nice minimap and no H watermark at the same time? Here's the link to the mod https://turboduck.net/files/file/36-hide-hardcore-mode-icon-tdu1/
  2. Is it possible to unpack the TDUv082 version of the game using TDU2 Unpacker? I have this installation and when I unpack the game the unpacker isn't coded to unpack those files as it is looking for the v034 DLC2 installation files so I end up with unpacked base game without any DLC. The .bat looks like following: @echo off quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v025.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v026.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v028.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v031.map . for /F "tokens=1*" %%A in (FilelistFull.log) do if exist %%A.bin (md "%%~pB" & move %%A.bin %%B) md unused_bin backup for %%G in (*.bin) do (move %%G unused_bin) for %%G in (*.map) do (move %%G backup) for %%G in (*.big) do (move %%G backup) My backup folder has these files: bigfile_EU_1.big these same files from 1 - 5. bigfile_EU_1.map these same files from 1 - 5. TDU2DLCEXPLOv017.big TDU2DLCEXPLOv017.map TDU2v082.big (.83 .86 .97 same files) TDU2v082.map (.83 .86 .97 same files) Which filenames I should replace for the .bat file? I used a GUI unpacker but I also have the dlc only .bat (up there) so this will unpack it to a folder where I can just add them to my existing non dlc unpacked install afterwards? No need to do a full unpack of the game?
  3. Is it possible to unpack the TDUv082 version of the game using TDU2 Unpacker? I have this installation and when I unpack the game the unpacker isn't coded to unpack those files as it is looking for the v034 DLC2 installation files so I end up with unpacked base game without any DLC. I have this folder backup in my original non unpacked install with TDU2DLCEXPLOv017 and the bigfile_EUs but there is no way to unpack these cause the .bat file is looking for the wrong files. The .bat looks like following: @echo off quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v025.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v026.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v028.map . quickbms.exe -o xmbf.bms TDU2DLC2v031.map . for /F "tokens=1*" %%A in (FilelistFull.log) do if exist %%A.bin (md "%%~pB" & move %%A.bin %%B) md unused_bin backup for %%G in (*.bin) do (move %%G unused_bin) for %%G in (*.map) do (move %%G backup) for %%G in (*.big) do (move %%G backup) I don't know which files I should edit and replace for those...
  4. Glad to hear it helps. When first using Dxvk you may experience some stuttering at first due to pipeline compilation but this is normal and will go away. Using Wine + dxvk also makes it possible to play TDU 2 on Linux even on newer hardware.
  5. Using D9VK which is a Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer fixes the issue. Running the game with 5700 XT the game would not start in DX9 mode you have to use this compatibility layer. https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases You just copy the corresponding .dll file in this case d3d9.dll in the main folder from the x32 folder (because the game is 32-bit) and the game will run in Vulkan. There is no notification or anything that it uses Vulkan but it started working as soon after I pasted the .dll before it just crashed. So yes it works. And the good thing is it gives even better peformance than native DX9.
  6. Playing with G920 and the Logitech H-shifter works perfectly :) Be sure to buy the H shifter if you can because it adds some much more immersion. The game will recognize the cars which need H shifter and the ones which need paddle shifters (something that even newer games like Forza Horizon4 can't do).
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