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Everything posted by Who

  1. well, when did you buy it mate? if it was after 10th may 2007 it will be fine for the warranty coverage. shiz, i just realised that in december this year i aint even covered for RRoD :s (i got it at launch)
  2. if its the 1 year warranty, its fine. (remember, the 3 year warranty only covers RRoD)
  3. i just nick the RS after street races :p
  4. nah mate, the grumblings that devs had was about the PS architecture, BD-rom is fine.
  5. Blu-ray still hasn't taken off, apparently the blu ray player to disk ratio is less than 1 disk per system (if you include the PS3) standalone BD players have plummeted hopefully the xbox 720 has HVD ;)
  6. Who

    My Capri

    1k is indeed brilliant, my mate's 1.3 metro (G-reg) is setting him back 1.5k cause i t had its engine swapped
  7. right, as we all know, cars can now me 'killed' without blowing up, often this means careering into a wall and having the engine die, when you pull the trigger all you get is the sound of starter motor, and niko saying 'come on, start!' or something like that... well, there is a glitch about, if you dial 911 whilst holding the trigger, the car will burst into life :) just thought i would share that...
  8. im guessing that its to do with the impossibility to get bak up when you're drunk :P on teh road to algonquin, from charge island, there is often a police car on the right, with cones aroud it, and theres usually a car infront of it, pressumably its a speed camera dude...
  9. yeh, i thought scooby the vincent looks like a mitsubishi gallant, which is eccentially a non-chaved up evo. maybe you saw that?
  10. Who

    My Capri

    I like it :D the capri is a beauty, although if you were 10 in 2001 that means your 17 (my age) and the insurance will be plain manic :s im on motorbikes for now (my 'ped gets me to and from college, and costs £130 a year to insure :D), but when i reach about 19/20 i plan on getting a VW scirrocco
  11. the sultan is a very nice car :D
  12. I really enjoy the bangers aswell for some reason, things like the old sabre (i think) the Buick Regal style car that backfires :P
  13. Just wondering what the favorite vehicles are for you guys My favorite car in the game would have to be the Blista Compact, it has been since Vice city, and I always enjoy the handling I also quite liek the Police Cruiser, i find it to handle nicely, and managable around corners, not to mention its nice when cars swerve out of your way with the siren on :p
  14. yesterday i left the choke of my moped fully open and the bugger overheated in teh mountains about 20 miles from home. my friend phoned up her friend who owns a van to pick me up, and before he got where we were it was running again, however the guy was on his way and don't like being messed about, hence we had to pretend that it was much more serious than an overheat :p lesson learned: if you intend to take a Honda C70 at 60mph dowwnhill through mountains, do not leave choke open :p (for teh record, teh bike does 50mph normally and is supposed to be for commuting... )
  15. aaaargh, too much spoiling... i'm really far in :D ive unlocked alderney and i only got teh game on thursday
  16. i had absolute hell buying it on thursday... game, gamestation, woolies, asda and tesco were all sold out in teh end i got the last copy that blockbuster had in stock, i was happy too cause i didnt get ID'd despite being 17 ^_^ edit: i remember gamestation saying they were having more stock saturday, so its worth checking around now
  17. wow, very nice achievement diablo, you should be very proud! i bet that stacks up favorably to even Forza Central! i would click the ads but i've got AD-block Pro for firefox so i dont see them. (the ads are a massive pain on sites like bebo and N4G, and the only way i could see the ads here would to be enabling the other ads, sorry!)
  18. November 30th was the last rumor i heard for pc ;)
  19. very nice mate, although you may wanna watch with the 'E' on the plate, as Nodz said...
  20. magic malteasers Death By Wine-gum errr....
  21. Explosive Wotsits Radioactive quavers toxic jaffa cake hazardous hula hoops? ok, bored now :p
  22. wooo, i might be getting teh game tommorow :D DT deadline was pushed back and i can get £40 together :D
  23. yeh, I can see the dot on the 'i' but it is still much closer to resembling Daiblo than diablo for me... in other news, congratulations carboy :D
  24. i watched the live feeds pre-release and the game does look amazing. as im sure i have said MANY times, i have a DT project for thursday and i want ZERO distraction, so i'm not getting the game till next monday, which conveniently is both a bank holiday, and the day i get a £60 payment of E.M.A. Im probably gonna go to teh shops, i look older than i am, and have bought solvents and alcohol in the past. Apparently game are a bugger for ID, so i'll try either woolies or gamestation, failing that mum can take a trip to asda for me :p
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