aye, but the thing is, i have no use for a massive HDD, i store my albums on there, but stream the bulk of my music from Pc. Save files dont take up much room. the only use for a mahoosive HDD i can see is demo space... microshaft looks prepared to launch a big HDD drive anyway, reports of dev kits fitted with 100gb hardrives are on IGN somewhere.
and then HD DVD player, i dont have HDTV, i dont need a HD DVD player, the same goes for alot of people im sure, those who have HDTV will probably be annoyed at the lack of HD films, but those without it make a nice little saving. its something for production prices aswell. say there is a sudden breakthrough that makes PS3 really easy to manufacture, they still have the problem of cheap Blu ray, keeping the prices up. If 360 can be made cheap, but HD DVD cannot, that isnt a problem, because it isnt a mandatory part of the system.
one last thing, xbox doesnt need the HDDVD attatchment for hi def films, if you're in the states you can download movies from the video marketplace,it will probably come to us soon aswell.
i may sound like a microsoft fanboy, but im honestly not. i just hate sony :p
if i loved microsoft i wouldnt be critisizing their OS (which has been playing up all today) and i wouldnt have a mac ordered either...