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Status Updates posted by Baldy

  1. Well i'm getting my box tomorrow and ringing ups tomorrow night so hopefully it should go on tuesday

  2. Just the once, my disc drive died on my other xbox, so at the moment i'm stuck playing arcade games on that one.

  3. I know, i was there, haha. After all it was him that got you to make room for me on your friends list.

  4. I'm sure you will one day, hope the emo joke didn't offend you.

  5. Hey elle, hope to cruise with you soon. Thanks for hitting me up on xbox live, sadly i'm not emo :p

  6. done, but where's the typo?

  7. Baldy

    Hey big boy! I'm running late for work, what's your excuse?

  8. ooooo, well good luck, let's see how long the roof can hold out. Must dash, i'm running late.


  10. You cheesecake!

  11. I'm good thanks, and the wedding was good so i've been told. That's good that your getting your car this week, just in time to enjoy the rain :( . As for the rs4 i did nothing, it just overheated while han was out in it. Faulty thermostat.

  12. As you have said to me many times, it goes off what you have been looking at. Haha :p At least it's back to normal now, it was doing my head in.

  13. What have i told you about your drink problem :). Anyway i'm glad somebody is in good spirits it beats me. Take care pal.

  14. Yo yo, long time no speak. How you doing batman?

  15. Baldy

    Makes a change. Thanks!

  16. Thanks mate much appreciated.

  17. Thankies shar, just been out for a meal with all the family and my family from Australia are here for 3 weeks. Wooop!!!!!

  18. Thank's pal.

  19. Baldy

    Thank you very much nige, and as hybrid has pointed out the + next to someones name does indeed mean they are your friend.

  20. So that's where the smell is from :D how about some clothes?

  21. Aftershave, erm i dunno haha.

  22. I will also add that i hope you have a good birthday on Thursday. Don't drink too little!

  23. Haha sound's fun. Thanks for the birthday wishes, but i'm at work so it won't be much fun, and in-case you don't know the apprentice is on tonight as football is on tomorrow.

  24. To relieve you on blank space, hello Benson, how be you?

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