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Everything posted by Baxie

  1. These cars are the ones to root for: 4 2 LMP1 M Audi Sport North America CAPELLO R./KRISTENSEN T./McNISH A. Audi R10 TDI 63 LMGT1 M Corvette Racing FELLOWS R./OCONNELL J./MAGNUSSEN J. Corvette C6.R And of course the 007 and 009 cars, which are the prettiest darn things out there.
  2. I used the original Xbox-box.
  3. Scratch one more Xbox. I had RROD friday, as I was watching a video through media centre. Still had it when I came back from the car-show sunday. Contacted MS yesterday, and shipped the console today. Now we play the waiting game.
  4. Congratulations and welcome in the ranks of the free. :) Now remember: drive with your brain, and not your accelerator foot.
  5. I'm a reporter/journalist working for a carportal here in DK. Will post some stuff when I get some more time. Gotta go get my hair cut :)
  6. Good riddance. 599 is ugly!
  7. If you dump Carmen, she disappears. If you dump Kiki, she keeps calling you and texting you, a colleague of mine just said.
  8. So I was playing around yesterday, and had nothing much to do, so I decided to get around to this dating stuff. I read somewhere, that the girls you date can give you certain advantages (Har de har har) which can come in quite handy. So I went to TW@ and sent a date request to all of the girls in there. Then I went back to crap-list, because I had seen earler, that there was a contact thingie there as well. Which I clicked at the time, but nothing happened. I then went and got some cars for Brucie and after about an hour I came back to TW@ and I am now dating Kiki, Carmen, Alex and Kate. (The last is Packies sister.) Kiki goes by the name of Lawchick, Carmen is SoboHoe on Love-Meet.net, and Alex is "Liberated Woman" on Crap-List. I quickly found out, that you need to dress right and drive right, in order to impress the girls. And there are certain places that they just don't want to go. This is actually not that hard to figure out, if you just read their profiles. So here's a little guide: Kiki: Kiki is a richmans daughter, who is out to save the world. She feels endlessly guilty about her privileged life. She's also hopelessly in love with Niko and in a drunken stupor tends to be quite jealous. Kiki works as a prosecutor, and lives in southern Algonquin. If you want to impress her, get a nice car, but nothing fancy. I found that Feltzer was the absolute top. If you get there in a Turismo or a Super GT she starts going on about environment and money. Same goes for your clothes. Show up in Perseus clothing, and she says, that you shouldn't use your money on clothing. So I went to the Russian shop, dressed up as a daylabourer, came in a Blista Compact and hey presto. The compliments never stop. As I said, she doesn't like going out drinking, and she obviously doesn't enjoy the strip-club. Take her bowling or go play darts, or you can go to the show at the Perestrojka or Split Sides, with great effect. When you get Kiki at 100%, she calls you and offers to help you out with the law. Being a prosecutor, she can help you loose wanted levels up to three stars. Though in some missions she can't help. Carmen Carmen is a narcisstic hispanic who refers to herself in the third person. Even during sex. She is endlessly selfabsorbed and apparantly has fake breasts. (She says so herself.) She works as a nurse, so her timing is different from the other girls. She sleeps late but never seems to work. Carmen likes the good life. The more money you use, the better. So Perseus clothing and expensive cars. She's also very easy to entertain. She likes to look at naked women, and she likes to drink. Show up in a Turismo wearing a suit and shoes, take her to the strip-club, which is very close to where she lives and she'll hit 100% in no time. Take her drinking and she shows herself as a mean drunk. It was hard enough to drive drunk, but I was laughing so hard that I actually got her killed on a date. When you get Carmen to 100% she can heal you over the phone. Nice feature, but as with Kiki, it is disabled in some missions. Alex Alex works in clothing and lives in northern Algonquin. She likes nice stuff too, but is not quite as freaky (Or annoying) as Carmen. Expensive cars and clothes are the way to go. Take her to shows at the comedy club or Perestrojka, and she'll warm up fast. Once you get her to 100% you can call her for discounts on clothes in shops. Kate The righteous, virginal Kate is the sister to Derrick, Gerry, Packie and Francis. Of all the girls you date, she is the most normal. She's on the straight and narrow compared to her brothers, and she will notice poor driving and cop-attention. (And at this point, she still wont let me follow her in for "coffee") Kate is the average girl. She likes Modo-clothing, nice but not overly fancy cars and active lifestyle. Take her to play darts or pool, go bowling or drinking and take her in an SUV and she'll fall for your charms fast. Nothing seems to happen when you get her to 100% though, but I think this may be because I am not done with missions yet. General: All the girls' special perks can be used once, I tried calling up Carmen twice to get health, and she freaked out and started yelling about how I needed to contact her more often. I was at 93% at the time though, so that might explain it. Anyone know this? You can actually make it work so that you date Kiki, then Kate, then Alex and lastly Carmen if you get the timing right. So you spend a few days doing this, and you can relax on this again. Take the girls out when you need to reset their ability and you're in gravy. Forget them, and they'll let you know, what a ******* you are. Finally: Take your date drinking. The conversations are hilarious. Absolutely hysterical. Carmen is a mean drunk, Kiki tries to be, but ends up crying and... well on and on it goes. Dialogue is fantastic and well written. But make sure, you don't get your date killed!
  9. Yeah. The Super GT is sweet. Eventhough the Sultan RS is pretty well-endowed steering-wise, I still prefer the Super GT
  10. And a shot from GTA:SA no planes in GTA IV
  11. I found a forklift in a multiplayer game, and everyone had fun banging me around while I was driving it. Quite rude actually. Eventually had to give it up since I was quite the target in that thing.
  12. The Veyron is being overtaken on speed. This is the swizz "Faster One" Which can do 420 km/h (261 mp/h for all you english) The King is dead. Long live the king. Sure is ugly though
  13. Ooohh sweet.
  14. I was trying to get to somewhere the cops couldn't reach by foot, so I stole a helicopter and went for it. I had to bail as my rotors got smashed, and I was forced to jump to my certain death as well. But I saw the thing.
  15. Haha. Found this completely by accident. I was looking for somewhere tall to have some sniper-rifle-fun. Tripped out of the helicopter and ... well things just sort of progressed from there on. Had completely forgotten about it too.
  16. I tried this, and bugger all happened... well... that's not excactly true. A big biker looking guy came down with us. But it turned out, that he was just there to pick up the umbrella he was carrying. So what is supposed to happen here?
  17. I am curious now. Will have to look today when I get home from the gym.
  18. I love the SuperGT as well. Of the Felxter(or however it is spelled.) The car you're talking about Diablo is the PMP 900. Also a favourite of mine. But the one car I love more than any other is the Taxi. Not for driving myself, but to be driven around in. I often take a trip to get a new mission and just listen to WKTT and look out the window, while the cabby drives all the way. Relaxing in a way.
  19. Diablo. Your points are abundant, and you are correct in most cases. But I disagree with you about the priorities of denying your children a game over language, while allowing violence and gore. I was playing yesterday, and I started thinking: What on earth has things come to? We have a game, where there is swearing, striptease, blood, random violence and killing for fun, and whenever Niko takes his girl home after a date, they cut to the house while they are having sex. Alright. It's funny to hear her moan on and on about how Niko "tells her interesting things", but man... Each and every one of us has had or will have sex a lot more times, than we will kill someone. (I hope.) And Niko is even treating her to a good time before taking her home. But I digress. The games many many questionable practices (Sex not being one of them) does warrant a warning. But I don't believe that it is enough to just say 15+. The parents of people at an impressionable age need to involve themselves and discuss the things. The violence, the dirty language, the sexual content. Language is everywhere, sex and killing also. You cannot protect your kids from this sort of thing, so instead you guide them. You let them ask you questions and you give them proper answers. The solution to the worlds problems doesn't lie in bleeping out the sound and covering up Eminems mouth when he says a dirty word. But I will bet you, that your kid will gain a lot more from having an atmosphere that allows for questions about this sort of content. Encourage your kids to come to you with questions and sit down with them and discuss the game while playing it. You'll see. If your kid is brought up right, he or she will show you that. On the other hand, if they sit there quietly drooling, and whispering something along the lines of "I wish I could do this to my teacher and that annoying boy down the road" you may want to take away the controller and get some serious help.... NOW! But it works both ways. If there are some kids on these forums (I'm 32 and as such, allowed to call you kids) who aren't allowed to play the game, because their parents wont let them, here's an idea. Find a time, when your parents aren't too busy. Ask them to sit down with you. Then calmly explain that this game is out, which is defining in a lot of ways on how the computergames genre is developing. Tell them that you know the game is violent and has a lot of questionable content. And that you would rather sit down with them, and have them explain to you, what all the fuss is about, than sneak around to your friends, who has the game. Tell them, that you don't understand why the morals are set in a way, that allows for violence to be shown on TV, but not sex. Tell them that you would like for them to explain why the world works that way. Do it calmly and openly and don't just think of this as an easy way to get to play. If needed tell them, that you will only play with them in the beginning, till they are sure, that you know what you are experiencing. Talk to you kids, don't just prohibit them from doing things. When I was a kid, the most exciting places to go, and things to do was where and what we were told not to.
  20. This game is so beautiful. It actually annoys me, when someone calls me and has a mission for me. I just want to explore. Been doing the Subway thing a bit, cruising in my Flexter (Or however it's called.) Stole it as the first criminal thing I did. Got chased by the police and ended up denting it pretty badly. Drove it through the Pay'n'Spray only to loose it, because I took a mission in it. Drives like a dream though. Banshee is faster, but not as much grip on that one. Last night, when I went to bed, I had saved two cars outside Romans apartment. A Banshee and a Policecar. Dunno if they are both there, when I log on tonight. But they drive pretty well, compared to that piece of junk Roman cabs people around in. This game by far outclasses the previous ones. The attention to detail, the graphics, the soundtrack... everything is awesome. I completed every game since GTA III more than once, and this will keep me entertained for months. (Anybody wanna fill in for me at work) I also jacked a car off someone, only to have them grip the door as it slams and then getting hauled through the city, till I sideswiped some poor guy in a car and the unfortunate fellow finally released his grip. ;) Use the [*spoiler][*/spoiler] tags (minus the *) for spoiler info
  21. If I can be bothered, I'll swing by the shop and pick up a copy after work. If not I'll wait till tomorrow.
  22. Baxie

    Bought a new car

    Yeah Drift. It's a standard 1.6 litre engine. Still haven't found out what I am going to do to the car. I am thinking of respraying it, maybe a couple of tones darker to contrast the rims even more. It has never been polished properly. So I'll do that first, and see if I can restore it to former glory. If not, I will have it resprayed. The interior is in good shape, but it's that horrible shade of blue, that Toyota thought was the dogs.... waterdish back in the day. (At least the car isn't painted red) So I might replace the interior with something of a lighter colour. The law here in Denmark states that you cannot increase enginesize by more than 20% without having to register and inspect the car again. So my problem is, that I cannot replace the 1.6 litre engine with a 2.0 without having to go through all those bits of governmental approvements again. So I will try to find short cuts. Might replace the valves, and the top-piece and some other stuff. Found somewhere, that I can increase performance by around 40 bhp on it, without increasing engine-size at all. Should be fairly fun to work with. Then again... might just spend the money on something else and just ride it around. We'll see :)
  23. Baxie

    Bought a new car

    Hybrid is completely correct. The Celicas are called coupes, even though they should be called Hatchbacks. Aaaanyways: TADAAA: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica6.jpg http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica5.jpg http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica4.jpg http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica3.jpg http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica2.jpg http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/BaxieBadger/celica1.jpg
  24. Baxie

    Bought a new car

    Ok. Last hint: It's a coupe. Going to Spain tomorrow to drive the Ford Kuga for the first time. Will be back thursday. Take care all
  25. Baxie

    Bought a new car

    I will post one more hint before I leave for spain tomorrow. (Two day test trip of the new Ford Kuga) And then I will post pictures on saturday. Someone might have guessed it already, but then again, someone might not have.
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