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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. I'm sorry I will have to ban you all for going off topic. :mad::jk: Haha after this weekend feel free to let your hair down and going wild, just don't let me catch you. :p S71NG3R the party pooper..........NOT!! :D:D Now where's the beer?
  2. Another great Sunday afternoon racing how did they all drive so well in the last race? GT's next week. :excited:
  3. I am impressed with the patients of most people in this difficult time. But the same type of people are posting useless comments for the pleasure of normal people to enjoy. Keep up the good work Atari Mods you have full proper TDU fans support to get you through the weekend.
  4. Mb remember if we patient people have still not got the megapack, to us you'll be driving the most ugly default car in TDU. ;) :p
  5. If you bought a version in the US then you have the US version. There are two versions, the US (North America) version and the rest of the world version known as the EU version. That's how I understand it to be anyway.
  6. This poll is now closed. Thank you for all your comments and ideas. Easy to follow sections is the winner.
  7. [uPDATE #5] [3.1 is now update #4] Some important info in update 5 if you are from the EU thinking of getting the US megapack.
  8. Haha I was on TDU and crashed into two cars just as the server offline message came on then I had the police after me. I hit another car then went to three stars and was trying to get away just as TDU hard locked up. I restarted and got connected after 3 times. All this time TSS was still trying to connect. I must have stole his slot. :p Anyway it's not going to work today so we will save this for another day.
  9. I'm on TDU now after trying 10-15 times. Can't see anyone on the map yet.
  10. New update in the first post. We will try and keep on top of any news as we find it.
  11. I had a date of mid May in mind for the pack so any date before then is good news for me. Now we know their is a pack to download we got to be strong and resist the temptation to download the US version. At least they have early info now of what problems there are.
  12. [uPDATE #3] An update in the first post from kalniel about the US version of the megapack.
  13. Like before it will be best to wait for UK Atari to push their button. The problem is it's Saturday so lets hope they are working today. Edit: This confirms it's best to wait sorry looks like we got to wait just a bit more.
  14. Thanks I'll try it out. There will be an update in a few weeks to the pack with some new car sounds. The pack will be in two files: v3.0 full (all cars from pack one and two including full reviews for each sound in the read me) v3.0 update (Only new cars and new car reviews in the read me) If anyone wants their sounds added to the pack then let me know ASAP. Note! New car sounds for older cars will only be updated if the sound is better than the original mod.
  15. It's a repeat of the last series.
  16. Remember this is a strict road rules cruise if you get fed up driving at 2MPH don't sign up.
  17. Thanks for posting this. Plus you have a right hand drive option for $5500. I want one now. :cry:
  18. [uPDATE #2] First post updated with what we know so far. It's coming and the wait will be more than worth it, look at all the cars.
  19. Diablo did you or I want to update the first post with what we know so far from the Atari UK forum? http://forums.eu.atari.com/showthread.php?t=55507
  20. We still need the time and dates you will be free over the next few weeks for this competition. Mb Enos Lr-SpeedraceR JonLim You still need to do your runs.
  21. You just have to be in the right place at the right time I guess. I'm glad I didn't stay in for lunch.
  22. It's having the guts to throw your life away, go out and catch your dream like they did. Just most like me can't throw everything at a car. I have given it much thought and got the calculator out more that once today. :)
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