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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. Carboy sorry but I need a yes or no not a maybe. @ Shadow as you were listed before you have first choice on the cars. See first post.
  2. Just a reminder as the closing date is getting close Saturday 19th January. The time and date for the first group will be known after the closing date. But will not start before Saturday 26th January @ 9pm UK time.
  3. :welcome: to the mad house. :oook:
  4. I went for TSS as the theme was to have the Corvette as the main focus of the pic. And stuck outside the pet shop on the sidewalk is very much saying "look at me". Also that colour and angle shows off the Corvette's aggressive looks.
  5. :welcome: to the forum.
  6. As I took her out today I thought I'd stop for a pic and enter. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj58/S71NG3R/Vet01.jpg
  7. Club rules updated!! The club is now changing the way it is run. This is due to there being club house problems with TDU. These rules could change again when/if TDU2 is released. Please read the updated rules in the first post. I have listed the changes below: 1. Everyone is welcome to join the club, any age, any skill level and from any part of the world. To join the club all you need to do is come to a few cruises with us. These are held as special events in the main club forum. This way we can get to know you and add you as a friend in TDU. Once you are accepted as a club member your name will be added to the club list below. _________________________________________________ Now removed 5. Because of the limited numbers of players per clubhouse (up to a maximum of 16 players) there will be more than one clubhouse with the TDU Central name. The first clubhouse is called TDU Central #1 the second one is called TDU Central #2 etc. Each clubhouse has an owner and when one is full the next member to join will go in the next house until that one is full. Then TDU Central #3 will be made available etc. The owner and members of each clubhouse will be updated in this post. When a new member joins their gamespy ID will be added to the list. 6. The clubhouse grouping is only because of the restrictions of the game, we are all in the TDU Central club. Any club members can join all events except any club races organised using the features of the clubhouse. ________________________________________________
  8. Due to the club house problems it is with great regret the hunt will be put on hold. The hunt is to be continued in the future. Thank you to all the people that hunted so far.
  9. Sorry but the cars in class E are not super cars. It's a competition not a cruise it's not going to be easy.
  10. The one I was thinking of getting at the peak of my sim racing days was TrackIR. This one is well known in the race sim and flight sim communities. You can read about it and watch some videos here: http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/
  11. Enos will when he's back on the forums I'm sure.
  12. Yes I have seen your posts and look out for my post in the near future in the club thread about how the club will be run. As I think we are never going to have working clubs in TDU1 anyway.
  13. Iced if BeetrootShoes doesn't want it then it's ok.
  14. PC Competition Re-launch!! PC Competition Re-launch!! The time is here for the much anticipated PC competition. We have solutions to most of the problems and are ready to do the competition. Thank you for everyone's patience as this has been the longest on-going competition in TDU Central history so we're very sorry about that but hey it's finally here ! There are some changes to the competition from where we got up to last time and I must apologise first to all entrants about the changes. You will see I have reset all entrants and cars that were chosen. You will all need to list yourself as an entrant if you are taking part but those that were listed the first time have priority on the cars they wanted. Here are the new rules:
  15. The map is in the first post in the TDU-C club section. I just added a direct link to the map in my sig to make it easier to find.
  16. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the voters. A special thanks to Diablo and Baldred for all their hard work to make the TDU Central Awards 2007 a great success. Better luck next time to all non-award winners.
  17. :welcome: to the mad world. :)
  18. It could be because it's not the original game or the server could be down.
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