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Status Updates posted by CarMadMike

  1. *humph* Be like that then :p

  2. Your Unblocked now :)

  3. I can't, I'm on my iphone and its a pain, I may go on my netbook later.

  4. I have added it, log in and accept :P

  5. Thats fine as im on ebuddy too at the mo, ill have to add your msn address again.

  6. I'm willing to give it another chance if you want

  7. It's not really something i want to discuss, especially publicly

  8. It's not really something i want to discuss, especially publicly

  9. Tell it to leave a message after the beep.

  10. Times change i suppose.

  11. Yeah, i was surprised that i even wrote on your wall, I was just wondering if youbwerebokay, thats all :)

  12. where have you been as of late? not see you around these parts for ages.

  13. Its easy to do, but its too long to explain on my iphonre, so your best googling, it is realllly eady though, and you have to save as .png

  14. It's simply a transparent background :)

  15. No dahling, i'm perfectly alive <3 :P

  16. No, i don't feel old, i always feel soo young on my birthday xD I went for a meal, pretty much it, i still enjoyed myself though.

  17. Your not the only one :o

  18. My post wasn't directed at you, it eas directed at the immature boys in that thread, sorry for the confusion ^^

  19. Nooooo It was a positive shock, i promise! XD

  20. :lol: and :eek: what have i done to deserve a reply, i'm in shock :cheeky:

  21. Get your derriere on MSN >.<

  22. Your sig needs updating! :cheeky: :run:

  23. Andwai!!!!!, how was your g'pa's :D

  24. Andai, where to you gone?

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