Nipper I completely agree with you there, thats why we should ban them claim ads on TV because as long as people can sue someone for an accident or mistake, H+S will continue to go crazy because people are trying to cover their backs so they don't get sued.
at TheScottishSpotter, they are trying to push it through parliment so they will have to vote draw up white papers etc etc, so if it does get passed it will probably take a year. Even though it mens you couldn't legally drive a car on your own at 17 you could still learn as you would need a years tuition.
craigie your first post has the same Idea I had how can you get home of a night if you all went out in one car?? by them doing this means you would all have to take your own car, which in tur causes more congestion and polution, which again is defying everythin else
they are trying to do. Also you would have to stick to a non alcohlic beverages.
The point that also gets me is why they say young drivers, surely they should say new drivers as someone who passes there test at say 30 will have as much driving experiance as a young driver therefore are as likely to have an accident, but then I suppose they would see him as a calmer driver who deos not take risks as he is older, which could be true or might not be.
Baxie some of the stuff your goverment does are the same as what our goverment does. Like the the mobile speed camera's and they move every few hours and they can point the camera so the get you comin towards them or once you've past them and they tend to park in dodgy places like behind trees etc so you don't see them, even though the govermant said thay had to be visable and display a camera sign on the back of the van, few of them do.
We also have the same speed limits on the roads apart from it tends to be 60mph on country roads and we don't have the 80mph limit, we also have the 2year probabtion period for young drivers, your only allowed 6points which is say 2 speeding offences at 3 points each or dangerous driving which is 6 points if you get to the limit you loose your lisence and have to take a retest and if you pass the probabtion period the points you are allowed goes up from 6 to 12.
I also can see where your coming from about with experiance comes with age and that sad story about the man and his baby, in that case it was the kids fault and should have the book thrown at them but, the trouble with statistics is, is how many of them accidents was a young drivers fault?? Ok they may have been involved but it does not mean they have caused it and that tends to be the trouble with statistics they don't show the true story.
Also that story also brings on the arguement of why make cars that go 150mph when the speed limit is 70mph and/or why let new/young drivers have high powered cars before they are say 25 etc. Thats something that I don't really want to see happen as we all love fast cars but some would still argue that.