Please note that the Viper isn't going anywhere. Its just changing homes.
The freakouts are not necessary.
If anything, if Dodge were to keep the viper, it would have a MUCH higher chance of dying off than if sold to a tuning company who can focus their production on JUST vipers whereas Dodge is now focusing on Chargers, Challengers, and the current economical situation.
The Viper is a 15 year old car and it is exactly the same as it was on day one albeit a new face and now it actually has ABS lol.
A tuner like SMS or Hennessy will be able to further advance the performance of the Viper. The comment made earlier about the Viper being better than the corvette is absolute garbage. The performance differences alone between the viper and vette are enough to make viper owners shoot themselves in the feet. A tuner could close the gap between the viper and vette posing a much more interesting bout between the two cars.
its a good thing, so hush :P