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Status Updates posted by FizzPagan2000

  1. "STFU" does that mean "yes i am gonna 'play nice'"?? :S

  2. "those forums aren't exactly lively with anything" made me lol

  3. "zomg he looks just like yule brynner!!"

  4. 8weeks today! or is it 9? :s

  5. ahh but what people don't know can't hurt/bother them ;)

  6. apparently there's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in millets... :s

  7. can't help but giggle when i call atari eu's number and they answer "hello namco bandai partners" lol

  8. casino code given away but stay tuned for other points of interest. my thanks go out to those out there that make me feel like i have an audience :)

  9. check this out when you have time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sLsOUyTUHI&feature=related

  10. do want: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Iron-Man-DVD-Robert-Downey/dp/B003VIVJMQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1287920677&sr=8-1 and out tomorrow ;)

  11. eugh things are getting outright insane over at tdu2.com - not eve in a funny way. anyone been there lately? one guy is even threatening suicide over the non release of the exp pack to 360...

  12. fizzclub2000's sister club fizzclub2001 has room for new members. approach with caution should you be interested. (my plug went here narf!)

  13. gamertag shy guy? on the pic front - anytime i suspect someone of trying to take a pic of one of my exclusives without asking i usually jump out of the server then jump back in to wind them up lol oh to all that have noticed i've been missing lately - hopefully back this coming week.

  14. goodmorning to all :) well today is sunday and the world is a happy shiny sunny place of joy from my perspective. the day ahead consists of a meal at the in laws and preparation for the week ahead. tdu sits infront of me pretty much the same as it has for some time - relatively quiet. a few japanese races may occur followed by someeuropeans later on. reclusive duck has been absent from the game a number of weeks now - busy times for the lad i assume. antici....(rocky horror esque pause)...pation of tdu2 seems quite high. 3 months to go and the amount of info out there still seems really quite sparing... vehicle of choice this week is the mclaren f1 :) targets for this week - good weather and joyfull times with friends and colleagues. irk of the week - i play bomberman a bit. paint bomb matches. yesterday i was avoided (xbox review) for being 'aggressive' when a player lost the match by way of blowing himself up. so there you go - you come off the road on tdu? blame fizzkid lol

  15. heya :) i'd like to put differences aside and talk. gimmie a yell on the chances of that happening?

  16. heya diab - just wanna say happy xmas (or whatever variation you follow) drunken rambling vids for new year again? :)

  17. heya diab :) friend of mine is asking how to register a domain name. i have no idea but obviously you do. any chance you could give me any info to pass on? thankies :)

  18. heya diab :) got a request for a full "how to" thread on 360 video-ing like your photo mode how to. dying to do some myself - feel like i'm missing out. hopefully catch up soon :)

  19. heya twm :) thanks for getting back to me. you say i lord my kowledge of tdu over people? can you give examples? from my perspective i don't recall doing anything but telling a truthfull answer when i have one that's apt... whatever the issue is it's certainly not worth falling out over. i'd certainly hate to lose touch with one of the most fun people i've ever encounered on live...

  20. heya wooly diab just confusing myself about wether or not you would need my email add for what you mentioned earlier. so just incase it's: [email removed in case of spam] of course all viewing are welcome to yell if they feel motivated to do so lol

  21. hmmm must have left without saving yesterday... tis done now though :) oh - if you're gonna quote my bloggs please credit the source ;)

  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02Yrl4nfEAo potential theme tune :D

  23. i just got back from the windy city the windy city is mighty pretty but they ain't got what we got i'm tellin ya boys i wouldn't change what we got here for the whole of illinois... phoey! lol

  24. in regards to arrogance on tdu races - have you been doing many this year? it's a fact at the front it's reclusive duck uran chan then me (not always in that order). if it's arrogant to say so when someone brings it up i'm sorry - i'm guilty. as i've tried to explain about the subject of exclusives i answer every question as honestly as possible. it all depends on how they ask: "where do you get an LM?" me? i go to the mclaren showroom. "how did you access the LM" i used a code given away in a promotion. "are there any codes left?" no sorry all codes expired in sept 08. "is it possible for me to access an LM?" (golden question which i usually subvert with something like - you have more chance of dating michelle pfieffer) the answer is yes it's possible... i'm not looking for drama - you're quite dear to me (without being homo in any way) please may we put this behind us?

  25. jus a quick yell to say that at tdu2 launch i'm looking to have a spare casino code for 360. it will be given to the 1st club member of the 360 branch of my club that asks for it. details will be kept up to date at the facebook page: fizzclub2000 | Facebook

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