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Everything posted by HSVxSEXY_TIME?

  1. if the drift comp takes off i ahve had some practice with my partner :D (i'm in the orange S15 for the first few pics, then i'm in the purple 1 and my team mate's in the orange 1 at the end) http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/comp1.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/comp2.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/comp3.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/silviadriftteam.jpg it was a good session, if this comp happens we're ready...
  2. yea cool, aaron won't care about letting you in i assume :)
  3. i am sure it's the fastest...i like that idea, i just think a Z4 or Z4M/M coupe would be better :D
  4. meh, IDC what it was gonna be competing against, it's a lush car and i thought the W12 was a good base :)
  5. i will do some practice with you, i wanna get some in with somebody, get used to doing side by side :) if enough people wanna do it i'll come up with some rules that are more refined :)
  6. i got a youtube filled with TDU videos and 1 BF2 video that i had to upload cuz i enjoyed making it (it took about 2 days of recording :D) just look in my sig and click "my youtube" section, i will do requests aswell...i have a silvia vid to upload, a SL65 vid and i was meant to do a viper vid for Balto ALONG TIME AGO but i HATED making it cuz i don't like the viper....if you see this Balto, i prefer the coupe, is that ok? cuz i'll do a video in that :)
  7. wheeey i'm sure you can still drop a nugget tho :) if i got told i was a nugget, i'd probly just mong out at my PC..
  8. as my mate's MSN personal message says "music is humanity's one true religeon" so it isn't cheesey posting this :D Grime is epic win...so is dubstep, DnB is good too, i ahve a varied taste but i listen to mainly rap, grime, dub and DnB, most electronic music too... doesn't really matter when you have 22 GB of music (like 4700 ish tracks) you can just put the whole of winamp on shuffle and click next till you find a good tune
  9. i noticed after i posted and edited....hence the "nobody nugget me" D: added you on Xfire anyways man, so when you're ready i'll do it :)
  10. the miura isn't slow, just slow off the line....it's the 2nd/3rd fastest G class isn't it?
  11. wait....if a 360 is being used, i'l use a bright orange TVR T440R/Silvia S15 :D group 1 pl0x unless i can have my 575 for that group, then i'll use it....HC mode ofcourse, who drive in normal unless you're on a bike. TDU is like an arcade game in normal mode :p
  12. i got 2 words for you - Bently Hunaudieres can somebody make the W12 into that lovely car? :D http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa86/sunportmore/Car%20Park/c7b1.jpg a brit car...but the concept is left hand drive...WHAT IS THIS GAYNESS?!?!
  13. the only thing annoying me about this mod is the interior. but the body is stunning...nice one man! can't wait for the actual release when it's been fixed and not a beta :)
  14. if i was on 360 i would but i'm not...sorry XD i just realised how stupid that is....i'll buy it from you :D please, nobody say nugget D:
  15. well i'll have a chat with Aaron (club leader) but he should be fine with me getting some active members, i've only ever met like 3 people from our club that are still in it XD so i think any drifters would be welcome...
  16. i'll get in on that in my 575 :D is light blue bright enough or should i go for yellow? XD i think that's a stupid question, i'll get yellow :)
  17. does anybody wanna do this then? cuz i'd love it if we could do it over the weekend or something, sunday maybe?
  18. UPS delivered my new wheels for my silvia today... i lied it was last night, but i put them on using DJEY's BNK1 file (which is in my opinion, the single most important TDU mod....) http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/silviawheels1.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/silviawheels2.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/silviawheels3.jpg they're off the noble M400 if anyone was wondering.. :)
  19. i was playing on the eden (secret) island last night and did this... http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/TDUguy/nosehigh.jpg it was nose high for about 30 seconds in that position and then it belly flopped :D
  20. yer i know about the differences between the original and the new one (being 10% bigger etc) if you put them next to each other i'd know the difference, the GT40 (not the GT) looks more...femanine i suppose? it's more curvy IMO and i love it...my bedroom is painted in the gulf colours (light blue with an orange stripe down the middle that runs up my wall, along my ceiling and back down the othr side) :D
  21. i forgot to mention it fully works online :)
  22. i agree with mac, but i also agree with Dante, it's completely upto you man! i'm loving how it's looking tho...
  23. i haven't had a single vote :( should've got a better pic me thinks :D gonna go for a good one next time :)
  24. Zurios would have got my vote if i was on the forums then :) could be better with no charecter in the car tho
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