I have lots of photos from car dealership in a place called Exeter.
Sorry for the lots of photo's...
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F40 LM, i think.
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288 GTO, fast version. Correct me if im wrong.
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F40 Engine.
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288 GTO? Rear.
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250 Spyder, im not sure on this though.
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That has to be one of the best looking cars ive seen.
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612. My brother in the shot.
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360 CS... Yes, a CS!
The next few pictures are the best find i have ever photographed...
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Bugatti EB110
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F430 Spider
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Another 250 Spyder. To buy this one, £475.000
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599 GTB, i couldnt get up close as it was a staff area. My uncle is getting one soon, he has already put a £5,000 deposit for one (Not that one)
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Two Rolls Royce's. The new Phantom is massive, a lot bigger than the TV makes out.
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Carrera 4s
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911 GT3, it said that on a little badge on the numberplate.
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See... GT3 :P
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No Carbon Ceramic Brakes though.
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Cayenne in Camo.
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Is that an 07 or an 08 version?
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Read the Plate :P
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The 2nd Vanquish S ive seen.
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My new Desktop
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AM V8, my mum really likes this.
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Another DB9 Volante.
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The AM V8 looks good in red.
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I would of got more photo's of Bentleys, but the guy inside said something about people being able to track Numberplate's and Chassis numbers. But Ferrari, Porsche and Aston Martin didn't mind me taking photo's.