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Everything posted by mistermojo

  1. Haven't posted on this forum in yonks :p Apologies for the awful quality, tis a bit better on dA :) http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/herr_doktor_by_mistermojo28-d3ha26f.jpg TF2 fan-art for my girlfriend http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/dragomir___game_char__concept_by_mistermojo28-d3dm0up.jpg Character concept design for uni module http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/future_human___male_by_mistermojo28-d3cluag.jpg Another concept for a different module based on humans in a million years time :p http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/bike_concept_design_by_mistermojo28-d35hwp0.jpg Vehicle concept design Might post some 3D stuff at some point if that counts for this thread :)
  2. At least show some respect for other people's music taste, let him like what he wants.
  3. Was worried this would look a little tacky but I think it turned out ok... Inlay decals for the neck and body, new strap, super-light strings: http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/009-1.jpg?t=1299431435 *waits for people to say how tacky it looks*
  4. V for Vendetta probably, hard to call really, there are alot of great films. Lord of the Rings is epic as hell too.
  5. New album is a tad disappointing being so short but there's a few songs which have really grown on me. Still unlike anything else around at the moment which is always a good thing. :bananadance:
  6. Thread revival! *A COUPLE OF SPOLIERS BELOW Lord of The Rings: Extended DVD edition Possibly one of the best stories ever, the extended version is over 12 and a half hours and is a bit of a marathon (not a bad thing). A truly epic trilogy, plenty of satisfying action and emotive storytelling, don't really need to say much more than that. 10/10 The Matrix (one and two....3rd yet to watch) The first one is an absolute classic, an amazing concept in itself, even forgetting about the awesome fight scenes and mind-boggling plot. 9/10 Reloaded is more of the same with more intense action, plenty of new settings and stuff so it's still a new experience to watch. 9/10 Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl I've seen these before but I just recently got the boxset, watched the first one again so far: A thoroughly entertaining adventure film, Johnny Depp plays a pretty amazing part in this one. Everyone's seen the film so I can't really be bothered to go into detail :p 8/10 Akira Anime isn't really something I usually watch but this is one of those films you just have to see for yourself having seen it. Weird, confusing, slightly dark and at times intense, I found myself really enjoying it when I knew what was going on surprisingly. Also enough action to satisfy anyone who likes that kind of thing 8/10 Inglorious Basterds I thought I'd enjoy this more than I did being kinda interested in WW2 history. Although there are some clever moments (the first scene for example) and even some funny bits, this film is overall quite bland, with way too much time devoted to bits of the plot which in my eyes were kinda pointless. The 'main' characters actually hardly feature at all which is a shame because they're very entertaining to watch. 5/10 Sherlock Holmes Was recommended to me by the missus, Holmes and Watson are surprisingly kick-ass in this film but it's still very clever and intruiging. Hugely entertaining but still slightly dark. 9/10 Summer Wars * Like I said earlier I'm not really an anime fan, I do believe this is just a fairly poor film though and I don't have anything against anime :p Very predictable and mostly quite boring, alot of the dialogue just seems overly useless (mostly just people's conversations that contribute nothing to the story). Nothing really seems to happen for alot of the film and the plot means you end up not really caring whether the 'good guys' win or not because alot of the last bit of the film is set in a cyberworld type place so nothing really matters. 3/10 James Bond: Quantum of Solace * Pretty disappointing being an old-school James Bond fan, the action is there but I just don't think Daniel Craig is a great actor. This is still a very entertaining film with a couple of good setpieces but it's just a bit 'safe' i.e: it's been done before in James Bond but bigger and better. It's just not crazy enough for it to be a proper James Bond film; the climax of the whole move takes place in a very boring hotel, which catches fire. When the film ended I was left thinking "...was that it?" 6/10 Valkerie * At first I wasn't keen on Tom Cruise being in this but I think he plays a pretty good part here. Tense, intruiging and emotive, this is a great film. Don't expect a ton of action in this though, not that it matters at all. If you're interested in WW2 then you'll enjoy this more. Perhaps if you don't care for it then you won't enjoy this as much and might find it a tad boring. I really enjoyed it though, despite the depressing ending 8.5/10
  7. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny: Awesome, nuff said. 28 Days/Weeks Later: Very well put together, really interesting film techniques and fantastic atmosphere, love them both. Team America: No-one near as funny as I was led to believe, there were 2-3 bits which made me chuckle slightly but overall I actually found it pretty boring. Perhaps more funny when you're watching it with friends. The Fly: Classic, well made, really good special effects for its time. Tense and slightly unnerving, very original too. 10,000BC: Predictable, a couple of good setpieces but overall surprisingly boring. Also really really historically inaccurate :p
  8. These are the kind of questions that I spent far too much time thinking about :p Imo life is what you make it. Your happiness doesn't depend on anything other than your perception of the world. Some people don't need a reason to be happy wheras others have every reason to be happy but aren't. Maybe life doesn't have a reason, things just happen because they can. Or maybe we're part of some weird experiement, who knows. No-one will ever understand everything so we might aswell just try and enjoy life and experience as much as we can. I'm a strong believer in doing things which feel right rather than doing things because it's expected of me or forced on me. blaa blaa blaa I could go on for days :p
  9. Might aswell post in here without trolling for a change, this is me in my flat having stolen my friends guitar and messing about with it :p Photo is a couple months old, I now have longer hair and a funny beard ;)
  10. Tune. The original is beastly aswell. As for me: :crying:
  11. I actually laughed most at tdu66's.
  12. Went exploring with a few people today, hardly any decent photos though as my flatmate hogged my camera every time he saw a sheep or a cow :confused: Still, here's a rubbish picture I did manage to take of a random owl which lives outside my flat :D http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/001-6.jpg?t=1290556611
  13. Hahah, I didn't think anyone would notice that little attempt at a joke, I've tried it before on Post Your Desktop and no-one's said anything :p
  14. http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/screen.jpg?t=1290198038 Yes please Ms Coffey.
  15. The video was beautifully made, and once again his creativity never ceases to amaze me. Serious talent right there.
  16. All good entries but for me EK's was just that much better. It's all how you interpret the theme, it's half of what getting an entry to a photography competition is about. It's a bit unfair to exclude photos because you don't see how they fit the theme, "Sports" means different things to different people.
  17. Cheers, it's partly the reason I went for a bowl-back type because they're much more comfortable to use :) Tis indeed, that was only £80 and it's really nice quality. I didn't want anything to expensive incase I suddenly decided I couldn't be bothered anymore. That hasn't happened so it's all good :thumbsup:
  18. One of the catchiest songs I've ever heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX9DMrn16GY And a song which has to be listened to with meaty headphones, sitting in the dark:
  19. Got my first geetar, started learning last week :D http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/001-4.jpg?t=1289389765 http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/002-4.jpg?t=1289389764
  20. Lol, I remember listening to this on the first ever CD I bought, some compilation album. Never seen the video though, looks frickin' hilarious.
  21. Surely that's just tyre smoke? Apologies if I'm mistaken.
  22. I know you said no snow but it would be my interpretation of the theme, especially as when it snowed here it caused a ton of problems for people :p http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/P1010643-5.jpg?t=1287854818
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