The Glasstransparent Enginecover is together with the Paddle shift gearbox an extra option you can add to your Murcielago when you buy it. But i think the cover costs like 2000 pound and the paddle box extra 5000 pound. While all elder NFS games went for the premium version, NFS Shift with is racing oriented went for the most basic version of the Murcielago, That why there no paddles or glass cover.
if you like to know more details about this car I sugggest you to visit YouTube and perfome a search for the "Top Gear Lamborghini Murcielago LP640" There review gave even detailed information about what each extra option for this car costs in real live. SO go there and watch it, its just as fun as have the car ingame (althougth I still prefere the elder version with paddles :D)
I neared heared the english word for this. Thanks for that quoting. I was wondering quiet a while if Scott from the Enterprice had something to do with it or so.