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Sora no OtoshiMono - The Angeloid of Clockwork

Originally from a manga General ★★★★★ Story ★★★★☆ The first half of the movie is basically review of what happened in the Anime series from the new character Hiyori(風音)'s view to show how she fell in love with Tomoki (智樹) A lot of ERO funny scenes like usual And the ending is very heart touching, when Hiyori turned into an angeloid(angel robot) after a tragedy right before she was about to hear back from Tomoki from her love confession earlier In the end she sacrificed herself to prote



Inu x Boku SS (secret service)

Originally from a manga General ★★★★☆ Typical Missy and agent (housekeeper+bodyguard), more suitable for female audiences Story ★★★☆☆ Day to day scenes, very few fighting (even though the setting of Maison de Ayakashi and half ayakashi half human gives you a good battle sense) You may also learn some basic info about Japanese ghosts Btw, the main character said in the beginning that she always says something against her will, in other words, tsundere Although it's popular among some p



The Chinese moon festival!? (h-master drama inside?!)

the once every year Chinese moon cake eating day is about to come? a festival since ancient China. don't really like these kinda sweet tasting cakes, but might as well enjoy it cuz i only get to eat it once every year (P.S. normally they have brown outer layer, and harden egg yolks inside, the one i'm eating is called 'ice moon cake' which became popular in the modern days{recent years?}) ... ... ... now featuring H master drama vol 1 well... i guess i was just bored.. (hey don't



Resident Evil first run

yesterday went bowling then cinema after school in general, the movie is not bad, but not very good idea (i'm saying from a fan point of view the ending, is like the other resident evil films, kind of foreshadow of there is a next one had shabu shabu for dinner



Ramen night and extra stuff

forgot to bring my camera that day, did took a photo of the menu and the ramen with my phone but for some reason i can't transfer it to my pc so i went to the store's website and grab a photo of their ramen just u can see these are the photos taken by my friend's iphone (unfortunately im too broke to afford that this is IppudoNigori Sake (bit sweet, taste really nice :P also went to bookstore that day note that the dengeki daioh and G’S october ver gift a set of アスナ




最近一直在去两家日本书店 隔了点时间没去台版书店了, 去拿了一下订的书 伊甸园的剧情燃啊, 在巴士上看的时候太入神差点错过巴士站了.. 致各种萝莉控们, 根据漫画里的数据, 控制萝莉控就能控制世界了!(被拖.. 虽然这是正太美奈衣(小字剧透)



Another day out

this is delayed entry, been busy for the past few days, and will continue to be in the near future Green tea frappe saw a dragon ball soft drink for the 1st time in the super market Calbee chips, pretty popular brand in HongKong (at least it was when i was there) some manga, magazines and light novel gift from the magazine, so cute > < Btw went to play pool and KTV with friends couple days ago found some good amount of Japanese songs in the KTV box, pretty happy








以指弹(fingerstyle)为核心的东方同人CD《ephemerality》 指弹:指弹吉他是一种演奏方式,又称作钢弦木吉他演奏,英文为Fingerstyle guitar,是一种吉它加花的奏法,在音乐界非常新兴的项目,而这些手法大多来自民间的继承,结合了弗拉门戈,夏威夷,西班牙等吉他演奏法并不断的创 新。指弹吉他可以用手指弹奏,也是可以用拨片和指套来演奏,与古典吉他最大的不同是,指弹吉他广泛应用许多的调弦法,拍击、手法完全不受限制,只要能用一 把吉他作出任何美妙音乐皆为Fingerstyle木吉他音乐,融合现代和声,Jazz ,Blus,Celtic,Country,R&B等风格,并融入演奏者自己之创作与编曲想法。 Arranged & performed by: 明/agyck Post processing: agyck cover designed by: syka独言/初夏空影 售价: 23RMB 试听: http://soundcloud.co...rd-ephemerality http://www.acfun.tv/v/ac



Bowling, Glasses, and Shop

was planing to go watch movie today, but for reason we changed our plan to bowling :o this is my 1st time playing bowling, the hand posture wasn't correct in the 1st few attempts looks like they were having some sort of event at the park today went picked up my glasses afterwards, and went to the bookstores two manga and an every little thing album conED guy coming tomorrow to check gas and electric, leave a note on the door, all set :)



Getting a new glasses, and some books

got an eye glasses appointment today (replacing the old because of scratches also picked up some books on the way on the right side is the left over champagne from last party the paper fan is pretty nice hey (gift from the magazine



咲 Saki Achiga-hen

Originally from a Manga Achiga-hen is a side story of Saki main story General ★★★★★ Gossip: Saki is the Anime that led me to learn majong An anime that makes you want to imitate is a successful anime (at least to me :P) Story ★★★★☆ NOTE: Only the digital players like Nodoka, Touka, Yumi Etc are playing the realistic majong By digital player I mean players who practiced majong tons of times to improve the chance of winning rate by switching melds depending on the situation The others li




哎哟,今天难得天津没下雨。就约了监督君出去吃饭。不过事实其实是他要约妹子出去吃饭,然后今天我不过是陪他去踩点的。于是我们选了南京路海光寺附近一家叫做板前寿司店的店铺。 おやおや、今日は久々に雨が降らなかったので、友達の「監督くん」を誘い、食事に行きました。でも、実際は彼が後日彼女とデートする予定があって、僕は仕方なくその事前の下調べに付き合わされたのだ。で、そのターゲットは板前寿司屋という店だ。 不过说起来,去的过程还真是艰辛。由于我们俩谁也不认识路,于是监督君先借助了科学的力量(GPS),把我们带到了店的附近。但是眼前一片住宅区。。。实在不像是有一家餐饮类店铺的样子。前前后后绕了半天依旧未果。然后发现,这种时候科学的力量太薄弱了,果然关键时刻显神威的还是魔法的力量(问路人)。然而当路人甲指路“马路对面”,而到了对面,路人乙又指路“马路对面”的时候,我真不知道该用什么表情来面对监督君了。好吧,最后我微笑着对他说,来吧,当科学和魔法交织在一起的时候,故事就会开始的。------------结果就是靠魔法的力量(路人丙的情报),我们回到了最初的路口,然后靠科学的力量(上网查地址)找到了



本月战绩 2012.7

以后每月底都会把该月的败家战绩公开给大家看。希望多多捧场233-_,- これからは毎月買ったモノを公開しますので、どうぞご堪能くださいませ。 本月的内容。因为阴差阳错的关系,肉浴巾买了2条。。。。之前一直想要一件肉的T恤,不过没钱买。这个月多少有了点闲钱就入手了。想必穿去上班一定很拉风233.肉胸压夜空的构图一下子就给我击败了,所以即便这种光学鼠标用不了的鼠标垫我也败了。。。嘛,拿回来摆着看也不错。境界线BD是每月例行的,到本月为止第一季的BD我就收全了。坐等第二季。枪姬买的美版BD,日版已经炒到我接受不能的价格了。貌似我记得是8W多円,折合RMB大概需要6000多块。这价格肯定让他去死。几本漫画小说没啥要多说的。右下角那个是PSV的游戏。最后左上角都认识吧。飞影这个PVC做的还真是不错。 はい、今月の分。 ・色々な原因があって、肉のビッグタオルは2つ買った。。。 ・前から肉のTシャツが欲しかったけど、金がなくて仕方がない。今月はちょっと余裕があって、買って来ました。これを着て出勤する時はさぞかし目立つだろうね。うふふ。 ・肉と夜空の構図で迷いなく買って来ましたが、



[Goal Reached]PSVita Donation - With Reward

(this was originaly posted by TheCobra) (link at bottom of post) Hi Everyone, EDIT: Thank you Everyone, I just reached my goal today of getting $250, We raised $420 dollars. I want to give a BIG thanks to everyone who donated and help in this donation. Like i promised, i going to use the money to buy a new PSVita and a Armor case with the extra cash. The rest i use it for other PSP/PSVita project or donated to another PSP/PSV developer if i see i not using the cash. Thank you guys again and



[updated] MGS2 rant

ok so I have not played MGS2 for a few years and could not remember why I never finished it so since I now have it on the Vita then why not play it again right ? well I just played the game for around 10min and I remember why I never even got past the beginning before. The camera is horrible heck dare I say near unplayable now I have beaten MGS1 before so its not like I cant play with a similar camera but for some reason MGS2's camera is simply so bad I cant play it, now dont get me wrong I ha




Originally from a manga バクマン。 the title literally means gambler General ★★★★★ Even though I've already read the manga, the Anime still keeps me excited That's how good it is Just like the manga, every episode ends at exciting point Story ★★★★★ Both main characters had their heroines in the start The effort they put into the their work alone the way attracted many other female characters and they never changed their heart The psychological descriptions of characters are nice (the st



Hen Zemi

変ゼミ Originally from a manga also known as Abnormal Physiology Seminar General ★★☆☆☆ The length of the TV anime is only half of regular anime The OVA tend to get better in over-all quality, but in general, I won't recommend this to anyone It almost made me quit watching it, but after a long time I finally finished it Story ★★☆☆☆ Not a story type series, instead focus on short length pervert activities You can still follow up even you don't watch the episodes in order Hentai ★★★★★ Wel




还记得之前说的漫画店关门的事么 前不久收到个电话说有新店开张(原来我的会员资料被卖出去了!) 于是今天去上课顺便去看了一下, 貌似OK 买了3本书, 顺便又入了个会员 (咦? 好像又跳坑了..? 算了)




嘛。。。今天歇班了。估计以后就是每周歇班或者夜班的时候会发点东西了吧。。。。大概。 然后这个大概会系列化233.我这个人很喜欢找茬2333333333 今日は休みだ。とりあえず毎週の休みの日が何か発表する予定だな、多分。ま、今回のこれは多分シリーズ化するね。何せ僕は結構こういうの好きだからね、えへへ。(笑) 咲-saki 本篇第15话记分牌错误。 咲ーsaki本編第15話スコアの間違い。 然后在BD里进行了修正。 そして、blu-rayが修正した。。。が、下のこれを見てください。 但是之后这里虽然也错了,但是BD里未进行任何修正。没发现? ここも間違っていたが、blu-rayでも何の修正もなかった。気付かなかったかな? 冰果第11话。。。片子本身没错,不过做字幕的澄空学园把右边两个作品的名字写颠倒了。 氷菓第11話。。。ま、これはアニメ自体は間違ってないが、ファンサブの澄空学園が右の2つの作品名を間違えた。 神的记事本第8卷第222页。鸣海一直称哲雄为“前辈”,这里明显是写错了。这里的场景是哲前辈和宏哥不停交替说话,可以推测的是作者写着写着脑子



The road

Originally from novel of same title General ★★★★★ This is a very good survival, and environmental type movie It also makes us rethink our environment today Story ★★★★★ The Earth suffered great disaster (there isn't any detail about the disaster, maybe the book mentioned it a bit) anyways, it is not about when the disaster happening, it's after the disaster no more crops, plants, people started to eat people because of starvation The story is about a journey of a father and his son head




昨天无聊浏览中介看看有没啥网站可以购买广告位的... 结果中病毒了, 全屏的warning, 连system manager都不能打开 无奈只好log off然后等后台程式关得差不多的时候点取消 于是马上跑了两个杀毒程序...结果还是没成功 因为不想乱搞registry的文件..果断重装(当然是保留文件那个),把boot option设置为DISC优先 于是意想不到的意外发生了! 结果format drive之后卡在reinstall里,一直维持在0%不动...等了一个下午还是一样结果... 没办法只能重新跑,结果理所当然地不能正常开机.. 重新安装系统后打开一看... 呵呵呵...哈哈哈哈...哈哈哈哈!!!... 我所有资料, 文件, 网站程式, 编程, 歌...等等..全没了!! (要是知道就会事先备份一下) 哈哈哈啊哈哈.....哈哈哈哈!! (有句话说的真对, 人遇到非常震惊的大事之后结果会大笑...)



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