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Sushi buffet + Karaoke + Shopping + more food

the day before yesterday went to Mitsuwa, yesterday party at my relative's house and today *title* First run, did total five runs ( ´∀`)つ ミ Later, caught up with the group and went to a Japanese karaoke place It has huge amount of anime songs and pretty up to date We ended up sung from the most recent anime songs all the way to the 90ths End: Total 9 people in one room, most fought for songs, too many people (*‘ω‘ *) Dinner: Korean package Also went shopping for manga an



あっちこっち AcchiKocchi

English title: Place to Place Originally from a manga General ★★★★☆ Good for people who want to pass time and relax Story ★★★★☆ Daily scenes filled with jokes/netas and main character's cute appeals It seems like the female main char is already dating the main male char since the start of anime CG ★★★★☆ Chibi version characters, average amount costumes Design ★★★★☆ I personally like the setting of main character pops up cat ear and tail occasionally Music ★★☆☆☆ Not any noticeable



Potato croquettes :3

Hello! in this little small petit blog entry I would like to share a food recipe, easy to prepare easy to eat, well of course is easy to eat! you open your mouth aaaaand the rest of it. Well the true reason is that Eudemon is always posting those yummy food pictures and makes me angry (and hungry!) so I want to post some too, though I did this one, don't expect too muchI took the photo with my phone. This is a simple dish of potato croquettes with ham and tamagoyaki, well a kind of tamagoyaki



田村ゆかり Best Album - Everlasting Gift 初回盤 & 通常盤 & パペット ぐれてぃる+ワンピース

田村ゆかり Best Album - Everlasting Gift 初回盤 & 通常盤 & パペット ぐれてぃる+ワンピース 從9月底就代購下單。。。後來10月中旬又補上了CD一起寄 結果就弄到現在才收到OTZ (其實某代購也遲了寄出→ →) 又是一箱姬樣的東西w 精選兩張+兔子 Everlasting Gift 初回盤 + 虎之穴特典 姬樣的CD殼到處都是圖www Everlasting Gift 通常盤 + King e-SHOP特典 這張特典圖真的好看!!!!!果然沒選錯\OwO/!!!!! 初回和通常的歌詞本除了封面和背面,其他圖都一樣 最後一個合照w 然後是パペット ぐれてぃる(兔子) + ワンピース(衣服) 這長尾兔子是姬樣FC的吉祥物,在以前的live也出過其他顏色 於是乎你問我啥是長尾。。。我也不知道啊啊啊!!!別問我!!! 大概和奈奈FC那隻粉紅色謎樣吉祥物差不多概念吧 使用說明書 不要只拿著耳朵隨便甩。。。 等等!!!秋巡的時候(我相信



Only the first and last letter of the word matter

I cdnuol't blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg: the phaonmneel pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rseearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Scuh a cdonition is arppo



境界線上のホライゾン Ⅱ Kyoukai senjou no horizon

Story ★★★★★ The story involves reenact human history, yes the same stuff as on our textbook therefore we know how it happens and ends, but the ways they are done by the Anime is very imaginative and surprising For example, the fight scenes of main battle in the second season - reenactment of the Invincible Fleet Naval War: Musashi as mercenary of England VS Blessing fleet of Tres Espana P.S pretty funny for Toori (main char) running around naked most of the time (even in International Meeting wi




はい、皆さん。こんにちは。またこういう時になりました。今月の収穫物はご覧の通りです、はい。いつか予告した通り、はがないの立体マウスパッドがようやく届いたよ。あ~あ、長かった~。まぁ、実のところ、先月のうちに届けるはずなんだけど、色々事情があって届けなかった。まぁ、どうでもいいだけど。そして今月もまたそういうモノがあるから、まぁ要するにそれらはまた今度というわけだ。さぁ、とりあえず今回のモノを見よう。 各位好,又到了这个时候了。本月的收获物如各位所见。和之前的预告一样,友少的立体鼠标垫总算是到了。啊。。。时间真长啊。不过说实在的,本来这该是上个月就能到的,但是因为一系列的原因结果就没到。不过都无所谓啦。然后这个月也有这种情况的东西,总之就是那些东西也要等到下次再说了。总之先看这回的东西吧。 まずは誤解しないでください。PSVは今月分の収穫物じゃないですよ。それはただのモザイク用です。けど、表示されたゲームこそが今月分の収穫物ですよ。GRAVITY DAZEというゲームなんだ。皆さんはご存知だと思うだけど、これはPSV初期のゲームなんだ。じゃ、なんで今更買うのか、しかもPSNからダウン



New York - Central Park

之前和朋友說起出去拍秋天的照片,最後選擇了中央公園(Central Park) 但是沒想到咱們選的日子會是颱風來襲的前夕,結果這兩天的天空都是厚厚的雲層OTZ 沒藍天,沒白雲,沒陽光,果斷不是拍風景的好天氣╮(╯_╰)╭ 最後行程沒變 這次的照片也是和之前一樣,大部份設定優化校準都是用“鮮豔” 偶然也用了設定優化校準“自然”來拍,結果拍出來的照片都像蓋上一次薄霧似的,悲催到想哭 以後都不敢用自然了OTZ 因為今天沒陽光,ISO開到1600,用了好幾種白平衡,偏黃的是用背陰或者陰天,其他幾乎都是手動 正如上面所說的,加了其他不同的效果,所以拍出來的照片一點也不科學,一點也不真實。。。 現實真的沒這麼鮮豔的說OTZ 咱只是喜歡這種效果O3O 覺得拍出來漂亮一點。。。 相機:Nikon D3100 鏡頭:狗頭18mm-55mm 在81 St下車 這個博物館就在Central Park旁邊,一下車就能看到 進去park了~\(≧w≦)/~ 白平衡:背陰 白平衡:背陰 最喜歡這張了www 這張也很喜歡w 話說咱們走過這附近的



ボーダーライン/モノローグ & 七森中♪うたがっせん

津田美波&三上枝織 - ボーダーライン/モノローグ (理沙ver.) & 「ゆるゆり」ライブイベント2 七森中♪うたがっせん BD 很早之前就買下的兩張,24號發售,因為CDJapan偷跑寄出,所以今天就收到了www 雖然這麼快收到是好事,但同時也沒買到這兩張的特典TAT 都是之後才知道有特典,特別是CD。。。真的是昨天才知道OTZ 幸好對CD的特典怨念不大,BD的特典也只想要sofmap的,碰碰運氣看看日雅有沒有吧╮(╯_╰)╭ 又是跑回家拿notice,然後再跑去郵局的一天。。。 CD是電影「携帯彼氏+」「携帯彼女+」的主題曲 津田喵和みかしー的合唱w 兩個人都唱的很好OwO 更喜歡津田喵用這聲音唱歌喲~\(≧w≦)/~ 電影的話,看了「携帯彼氏+」,還不算恐怖~ 津田喵的表演還很不太自然,而且角色挺路人的-3- 「携帯彼女+」暫時還沒找到片源。。。 BD是ゆるゆりlive 2,七森中歌合戦 用了三個多三小時看完,但是因為還沒找出截BD圖的方法,所以遲點再放圖OwO 設計上還不錯 歌詞本中間有隻津田喵



劇場版 魔法少女まどかマギカ [後編]永遠の物語』主題歌「ひかりふる」CD

放學之後去書店買了蛋糕www 本來想買一個完整的。。。但後來想到一整個要切要分很麻煩,最後還是買了一塊塊的。。 反正都一樣嘛~~ 然後很意外地看到CD,很順手地就買了。。。→ → 本來還打算看看有沒有前篇的主題曲,但是沒有anime ver.(封面是動畫版)就放棄了 CD+DVD,一共23.xx 還ok的價錢w oh my madoka~ 後來看了一下DVD 原來是官方的ひかりふる+動畫的mad 以倩醬的話來說就是。。。除了歌詞和畫面有點同步之外,歌和畫面是完全不協調 等等!!!TV版有這樣果麼!? 我記得TV版是一片黑的啊啊啊啊啊!!!? 很明顯是DVD/BD版→ →



Madoka Magica film in USA theater!

tickets (plus two others we met later in the theater About the film: Basically the plot is same as the TV version In the beginning of the movie, there was a special interview of the America version movie from the 6 main CVs. And they mentioned there will be some scenes to be shown that were not included in the anime series because of all kinds of restrictions, at first I was moved by this announcement cause i already know the story, but in the end it turned out to be very few, and none of them



Brooklyn Bridge and recent purchases

This is delayed post, of what happened last week Columbus day street performance Brooklyn bridge this is me Me and my friend I love this idea Coast Status of Liberty what we had for dinner Thailand n Vietnam style noddles our original plan was to go to a ramen store but it lined up a huge line so we gave up recent purchases



New York Comic Con (huge amount of pictures)

Unfortunately by the time I tried to purchase the ticket, the other 2 days were alrdy sold out So I only went one day, altho I don't have time to go 3 days / 4 days with special offer (even tho many of my friends bought the 3 days' pass) now, about the comic con, well, the first impression is... massive people !! a lot of people think of Japanese manga/anime when they hear comic con, some places call it anime festival in this place is a mix of Japanese and American stuff (I would say the Jap



天神乱漫 Happy go Lucky!!

General ★★★★☆ The version I have played is portable ver, since PSP doesn't allow H games By the end of each flag, there are some scenes just feel so unnatural (I think this PC to PSP part is poorly done, i know they have to remove those scenes but should at least do some workaround to fill those details) So to those who want to play a 'complete' version I suggest you go ahead for PC ver (cough.. Story ★★★★☆ Subtly used the setting to plot the story Love those scenes where sana(さな) glues to the




いやはや、本来なら9月の収穫物がものすごいはずだったのだが、わけあって届けたのは遅かったから、結果的に言うと、見ての通りです。残りは多分今月の後半くらいで届けると思うのだが、いずれにせよ、それらは9月の収穫物とは言えない。故に、また今度見せましょう。 話を戻そう。9月の収穫物は量があんまり多くないが、質が普通に良いと思うんですよ。 えっと、まずは漫画。藤村くんメイツ第6巻とロウきゅーぶ!第4巻とAngel Beats!第4巻の日本版とQ&A第5巻と会長はメイド様第14巻とDance In The Vampire Bund第12巻と怪物王女第15巻とうさぎドロップ第9巻の台湾版の合計8巻。 小説は相変わらず少ないです。俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない第11巻の1巻のみ。ちなみに次巻で完結する予定ですよ。 フィギュアはいつもより多めな感じするが、これも仕方がないです。幽助はまぁ、あんまり欲しくないだが、飛影も蔵馬も買ったことだし、まぁ、全員揃えばいいな~と思ってたわけだし。。。とりあえず、買ったのだ。結果としては。。。最悪。出来があまりにも悪すぎる!もう信じらないくらいに出



Repaired a PC for friend

His motherboard and CPU broke, had to replace with new ones plus an upgrade of fan and memory (his old memories were ddr2 that are not compatible with the new LGA 1155 mb anyway, same issue with the cpu, basically upgrade from 775 series)




Originally from a game General ★★★★☆ Super love soap anime (makes me itch sometimes.. Story ★★★★☆ every 4 episodes feature one main character the last two feature a hidden char and his sister (if you don't know what I'm talking about maybe because I only watched the blue ray version I can imagine they are not included in the TV version CG ★★★★★ Detailed, the light effect is very nicely done Design ★★★★★ Excellent cloth, and character designs for example, Rihoko who likes to eat and



Mix of stuff

Went to see the looper movie 1st run didn't rly enjoy it, I only watched it becuz my friend asked me to what we had for dinner this week helping a friend fix his computer need to replace the motherboard and CPU, plus add a new fan and memories



Yuru Yuri Season 2 is Over

ok first off yes I know im a bit late here but im busy >__< now as I was going yo say :3 the Second Season to Yuru Yuri is over and oh boy what a seson it has been one thing I rather enjoyed is Akane, I just loved her character man I feel like me and Akane would get along just fine ^__^ Yuru Yuri has no doubt became one of my favourite anime with its awesome OP's + ED's and I will have to go check out the manga next well thats it...... yea im not good with writing things >__&l



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